You’re Only Allotted Two Sports Cries!

So as you know, the alma mater is dancing (or you would if my schedule function had been working, more on that in a separate post in a moment) and I am ecstatic.  Truly, truly ecstatic.  So I want to talk about my reaction to this news on Saturday when we won the first ever Pac-12 championship in men’s basketball.  (Yes, yes, there were Pac-8 and Pac-10 versions before this and it’s basically the same conference, but we were predicted to be eleventh, okay?)

So I spent the end of the game watching it through my fingers.  Kind of the same way that watching a horror movie through your fingers makes it less scary, watching a nail-biter of a sporting event through your fingers prevents heart attacks.  This is clearly proven!  Well, when the game ended with us winning by two points, a raucous cheer went up from the crowd and we all stood up and screamed.  I jumped up and down.  And then…  I started crying.  I wasn’t sobbing, but I teared up quite a bit.  I was with Cam, Steph’s boyfriend, and some his friends.  They didn’t say a thing, and opted to continue the celebrating again.

This morning, I was talking about it with a co-worker.  I asked how many sports cries someone was allotted.  His response: “You’re a woman.  You’re allowed to get as irrational as you like, we’ve kind of come to expect it.”

Sexism aside, “Okay, so how many sports cries is a man allowed?”

“Two.  One when your team loses a season that was especially important.  And the other when your team wins a season that was especially important.”

“So is that two per sport then?”  (A reference to the law “you can like any number of teams, but you’re only allowed to be a fan of one.”)

“No.  Two.”

“So you really have to save those then?”

“So most men never use them.”

“But what if you use it up and then something more important happens?”

“You stand by your earlier cry.  ‘That was bad, but not nearly as bad as that time that’…”

“What about that LSU-Alabama game during the regular season?”

“You can’t cry during the regular season.”

I asked a few more examples like if Kentucky won the NCAA tournament, would that be worth crying over?  No, because they wouldn’t have had to fight and claw to get there.  How about if the alma mater won?  My co-worker said no, but conceded that he wasn’t a fan of college sports after I recounted our road to the tournament this year.

So, anyway, guys are interesting, right? (This reminded me of the Miller Lite Man Law commercials, and I referenced one earlier up there.)  I’m a big fan of being able to cry because I’m so darn happy.  I also cried on Saturday because I reached the opposite end of the spectrum in one night.  But, these things will have to wait until after I get my March Madness musings out of the way (and if you remember last year, you know it will take a while).  But, I will probably have a usual personal post up tomorrow, so hopefully then?

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