So I Know it’s Tuesday…

I guess this is still kind of to-do list Tuesday.  But it’s also more than that.  I had one big to-do list item today:  get a jeep out of a snow bank.

I know you’re surprised.  Why would getting a jeep out of a snow bank be a major priority?

It seems that lately my life is a series of dramatic mishaps.  I’ll go back and reflect on the other ones this week, but let’s start with this one today.

Rich gave me a ride home this morning for work and was pulling around my building.  In the back, there’s a sloped hill against a fence with a pole.  Well this morning, it started snowing, so the slope was icy and covered in powder.  Even though Rich has a jeep, it slid, horribly.  So bad that in front of us was a pole and behind us was a snow bank.  Obviously the snow bank was the better option than the pole, so I told Rich to back up.  He did, but that only got us more stuck.

So, Rich and I ended up with a jeep stuck in a snow bank.

In a stressful situation, Rich gets just that–stressed out.  He gets wrapped up in the crisis and gets worried.  So I tried to remain calm for him.  I got on the phone with AAA while he called one of his friends from work to pick him up, unfortunately, he was already at work.  So when he got off the phone, I had him trade phones with me.  I put him on hold with AAA while I called a cab.  Then I got AAA settled with a tow truck coming out.  The cab came to get him in about twenty minutes and AAA came about two hours later.

The jeep got cranked out of the snow bank and I got it safely into a parking space.

The results of this drama include Rich being late to work, so he has to stay a half hour later.  I also got called out of work because I would be late, and it was slow anyway.

So tonight, I get to drive Rich’s monster over to his work and pick him up.  So I guess that’s my second to-do list item today.

I mean, I have the usual things: write my cards, update my blog, get things mailed out.  But those are the major things.  Also watch tv on dvd and take another shower.  Such a fascinating to-do list, right?

Anyway, later on this week I have a few more of these mishaps involving Rich, I also want to talk about Shawn coming back into town, and maybe I will finally get to talk about my crafting.  That’s the hope anyway.

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