Archive | October 2011

My Halloween Costumes, the 2011 Edition

So let’s look at my Halloween costumes again this year.  Fun stories abound!

Cocktail Bunny(2006/2007):  This is my favorite.  I originally purchased it my freshman year of college when I went costume shopping with Larissa.  I was deciding between it and the black version and Larissa said “Clearly, you should be wearing pink.  It’s just you.”  And that’s that.  I also wore it to a Playboy Bunny party the Theta Xis had around Easter one year.  I dressed up in full bunny regalia and Melissa went with me, brought some ears, but halfway there decided she would be “that one girl” who didn’t dress up fully.  Turns out, every other girl decided she would be “that one girl” also.  Let’s just say, I was very popular that night.

Devil (2008):  So the year I bought this costume, my riding crop was very popular with all my fraternity friends.  I do not think there was a person on Halloween that did not get slapped with it.  Lucky were the people that let me “slap” them; I simply tapped them and said “My my, I think you’ve been naughty.”  If you were slapped by a fraternity gentleman, I apologize because that thing is real leather.


Mad Hatter (2009):  So the year I wore this costume on Halloween (actual Halloween), I went to Denver with Allie and some of her friends.  Let me tell you the story of how I twisted my foot.  We went to a bar and I was sitting at the bar, enjoying beverages, with the heels of my shoes clamped over the rungs of the bar stool.  Well a guy dressed as Max from Where The Wild Things Are (because that movie had just come out that year) barreled toward me.  As I was falling, I managed to unhook one foot, but not the other.  And so, I twisted my foot and wandered around Denver like that.  Then I iced it all the next day.  And the next (when I wasn’t in class).

Sailor (2009):  I wore this costume on the day before Halloween when Bree planned a double date with her, me, Kegan, and old Brody.  We went to a local Haunted House that had an intro Haunted House.  We also paid for fast passes to skip the line.  So the four of us went into the haunted House and within the first ten minutes, something terrified me and I spent the rest of the evening hiding my face in Brody’s jacket and clinging to his back.  What a waste of $30, right?  I opened my eyes twice.  Once when we were in a pitch black room that you had to feel your way out of…  Inevitably, old Brody, who was doing the feeling, hit an actor in the face.  It went kind of like this:

There was a smack.

A disembodied voice cried “Ow!”

Old Brody responded with “Sorry, bro.”

I also opened my eyes at the end when the chainsaw wielders chased us out.  The one part that terrifies most people, I just calmly walked out of.  This is the Halloween that also spawned one of my favorite Halloween musings, from old Brody, “Well you do know that Halloween is for girls to be sexy and guys to be funny, right?”

Bumble Bee (2010):  I bought this last year as an alternative costume.  I can’t think of any truly notable costumes, but the wings are hard to maneuver in crowded rooms.

Angel(2010):  My dream costume from last year.  No real stories here either, but isn’t it lovely?

You know what’s coming Wednesday…  Because tomorrow’s Tuesday.

Dear October First (2011)

I know it’s actually October second, but the first of the month is our monthly recap of our bucket lists, so it inevitably pushed back this one.  I thought about pushing it back further for football, but as I have no huge updates, I will just mention them now.

We suffered a 27-31 defeat by a mediocre conference foe, bringing our record to 1-4 (0-1).  The coach was upset, we were upset, the list goes on.  I ate with Amber and that was awesome.  I also saw Savannah, per usual,  but I feel like she’s upset with me…  Oh, and I once again asked Shawn if he was out for the game.  At best, I’m trying to get him back for homecoming, so we’ll see.  I also ate dinner with my friend Evan S from APD.  I also ended up running into some of his fraternity brothers I’m also friends with and that was fun.  (Though I heard after the fact that Jason’s little sister joined AChiO and that I was not consulted for a rec for her to my own chapter, which was perturbing–not that she joined another chapter, but that Jason didn’t ask for my alumna help, you know?)  Anyway, that’s pretty much about it I think.

So, onward.

Dear October First,

I am so excited that you are here!  As I said before, I am sorry this is a day late, I had prior blogging commitments, but I hope you forgive me just the same.  Because, as you may remember, I love you dearly.  October, you contain my favorite holiday of all time, Halloween, and it is one of the few things I count down to.  So, October first, I am glad to see you this year.

So as you may remember, Layla and I went and looked for costumes on Monday, but I couldn’t find anything I liked enough to buy.  I am waffling on a costume.  Do I want to buy a new one?  Or am I happy with the ones I have?  And I’m fairly happy, so unless I see something wonderful, I think I will just recycle.  Although, I did decide I would like to be a Southern Belle, so if I can find a costume I like, then I will go for it.

In the meantime, here are some Southern Belle costumes I do like.


You can find these on my Southern Belle Costumes board on Pinterest.  You can also find other costumes I like on my Halloween board.

So tomorrow, look forward to my costumes, updated for 2011.  Hooray!

October Resolution Check In

So it’s the first day of October 2011…  Time to check in on our resolutions/Bucket Lists again!

Here is the numbered list I made back on January first:

1.  Travel:  Travel is still just Vegas, possibly?  It’s hard to coordinate with three other people when one of them (I’m looking at you Blake) has to travel for his job all the time.  I am going to California for Allie’s wedding in December/January and there is something possibly going on in February next year, but that’s next year…

2.  Get an apartment:  The story here is the same as it is every month, pretty much.

3.  Get a car.  (See above)

4.  Keep blogging:  As of today, October first, this is my 300 and somethingth post.

Notes from last time:

I’m doing pretty good on my running.  Be proud of me.

As far as visiting the alma mater, I have been there three times in September and headed up there today as well.

And from 24 by 24 (I’ll only list the ones with some headway that haven’t been mentioned above):

8.  Take the GRE and score in at least the 95th percentile.  I took the GRE and will hear my more accurate results in November.

12.2.  House Maintenance.  I picked up the FlyLady and am doing my best at establishing cleaning routines.

20.  Meet a nice guy in a bar.  I have been dating Vic for a bit now, so I’m going to call this one done.  Nice.

25.  Get back into being Greek.  I’ve been going to Panhellenic meetings and I offered to help chair the Young Alums group, so progress is being made indeed.

We’ll check on this Bucket list in November again (and prepare to start tackling number twenty-three on this list then).  I hope everyone else is keeping up with their bucket lists.