Archive | August 30, 2011

The Worrisome Thing About the Bakery…

So yesterday, all of us employees found out that the main manager at the bakery, Big Boss Man, would no longer be with us.  Did he quit?  Was he fired?  I don’t know….

Big Boss Man is a lot of the reason I love the bakery.  Need a day off?  Want more hours?  Have a work-related issue?  Big Boss Man was there for you.

Before he was about to go on vacation, he made the shift schedules for the month and I asked for one of my normal working days off because I signed up for the GRE.

So what happens when the GRE comes now?  Will I be off?  I don’t know…

A lot of people are possibly talking about jumping ship, but I’m not really that type of person…  The bakery could still be the same…  Or it could not…

I guess I’ll have to wait and see what happens.