Two Months of Vacation?

So I don’t know if anyone missed me?  I’m back!  (sort of)

I have a lot to say!  A lot!

But for now, I just wanted to direct you all back to posts you may have missed in my absence, like keeping up with the bucket list and the end of wedding week?

I’m trying to decide what to talk about first…  Ah, I have so much to tell you all it’s not even funny!  I’d ask what you want to hear, but I’m deciding what’s most important…  I’ll think about it and let you know tomorrow.  Actually, I’m eighty percent sure of what I want to talk about tomorrow.

I’ll leave it at that.  But, I’m back, yay!  Sorry for not keeping in touch the last couple months, but I was so happy to see everyone still checking up on me.

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