Archive | August 1, 2011

August Resolution Check In

So it’s the first day of August 2011…  Time to check in on our resolutions/Bucket Lists again!

Here is the numbered list I made back on January first:

1.  Travel:  So I’m still in Pennsylvania and this is where I’ve spent my time.  Once the job is over, I’ll be heading back to NYC for a few days, but that’s about it.  So much for diversified traveling out east.  Vegas is later this year.  Otherwise, I’m really lacking in this one.

2.  Get an apartment:  Time and additional money are still necessary.  But, I’m almost done with my salaried position.  I’m planning on getting a new job when I come back, also.  Yay, tips?

3.  Get a car.  (See above)

4.  Keep blogging:  As of today, August first, this is my th post.

Notes from last time:

I’m doing pretty good on my running.  Be proud of me.

I have been out-of-state and unable to visit the alma mater.  Looking forward to the start of football season, because Savannah and I have season tickets!!!!!!!

And from 24 by 24 (I’ll only list the ones with some headway that haven’t been mentioned above):

6.  Take up tennis seriously.  I’ve been playing a lot at the summer job with my friend Rich.

8.  Take the GRE and score in at least the 95th percentile.  I have been studying my GRE book thoroughly on my OD nights.

The summer job is its own world, so there’s really not much you can do from there, unfortunately….  Anyway, we’ll check on this Bucket list in September again.  I hope everyone else is keeping up with their bucket lists.