Archive | July 2011

July Resolution Check In

So it’s the first day of July 2011…  Time to check in on our resolutions/Bucket Lists again!

Here is the numbered list I made back on January first:

1.  Travel:  So I went to Pennsylvania and on our first day off, we’re headed back to NYC.  Vegas is later this year.  Otherwise, I’m really lacking in this one.

2.  Get an apartment:  Time and additional money are still necessary.  But, I started my salaried position.  I’m planning on getting a new job when I come back, also.  Yay, tips?

3.  Get a car.  (See above)

4.  Keep blogging:  As of today, July first, this is my th post.

Notes from last time:

I’m doing pretty good on my running.  Be proud of me.

I visited the alma mater two or three times this past month?  I don’t remember.

And from 24 by 24 (I’ll only list the ones with some headway that haven’t been mentioned above):

6.  Take up tennis seriously.  I’ve been playing a lot at the summer job so far.

8.  Take the GRE and score in at least the 95th percentile.  I have been studying my GRE book thoroughly.

11.  Watch Titanic sixteen more times.  I watched Titanic once.  Apparently this is the one hundred and second viewing, so yay?  Ten more to go.  I packed it in my luggage for the eventual gate duty, yay.

15.  Go on local brew tours. I actually went on the New Belgium tour this past month, yay!

17.  Get back into dance.  I participated in a returning staff flash mob my friend choreographed…

25.  Get back into being Greek.  I volunteered to be the Alumna Panhellenic delegate for my Alumna chapter.  That’s something.

June was a busy month for me and I still did a lot.  Anyway, we’ll check on this Bucket list in August again.  I hope everyone else is keeping up with their bucket lists.