
So the other day, I was discussing everything that I wanted to get done before I left for my summer job.

Larissa wants to get me on a horse.

Seth and I picked a date for an actually brew tour in Fort Fun, so hopefully it works out on everyone’s end.

Savannah and I have decided to pack our bags and head for the four corners and New Mexico.

Layla promised to teach me how to cook (Bree’s been trying for years.  Good luck with that.)

Hailey was going to help me find a place to take cheap ballet classes.

I haven’t had a day off in forever to watch Titanic.  I need to do that…

And clean…

And go the gym…

But when?

I picked up a calendar the other day because we started scheduling for two weeks out at the department store.  And that’s my second to last week in town.

I have one more week after that.

And then I’ll be packed and heading to Pennsylvania….

It’s a little surreal.  When creating a list of things to do, I may or may not have forgotten that I would be packing up and leaving for two months….

The truth is, there’s a lot I want to do.  But when will I do it?  I have no idea about these things.

Anyway, it’s kind of like that thing people say about being young when I complain about having no money.

“But you have all the time you want now to do these things.  “But I have no money.”  “But think of all the time you have.”

And I look at myself working sixty hours a week and wonder when that is exactly…

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