Larissa Explains it All, Part Three… Just Kidding!

I forgot yet another thing I wanted to say about my conversation with Larissa, but I had some other things to talk about as well, so there’s that.

So, continuing with Larissa, she asked when I was planning on driving up on Sunday.

“Can I go with you?  I need to be there for the rehearsal at ten.”

“I have work until early afternoon.  I don’t need to be up there for the rehearsal anyway, so driving up that early seems silly.”

“Why not?”


So then she was upset at me for not skipping work to drive her, of course.

She also disparaged Addy’s car in the process, so there’s that.

Anyway, happier and sadder things…

First sad.  I found Bronty on the floor while cleaning yesterday (you may remember him from my post about Easter, yes, he is the Easter dinosaur).  It made me a little sad to see him, but I set him on my bed anyway and he made me smile a bit.  It sucks when things that make you so happy make you really sad.

But, on a happier note, I talked to Shawn a few days ago and he’s narrowed down his job searches to NYC, San Fransisco, and Denver.

And Denver, you guys.

I didn’t tell him my personal preference and instead joked that he could hang out in Pennsylvania with me over the summer.

But maybe everything is working out the way I hope?  That would be nice after this past week…

Anyway, that’s all I have to report here.

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