Larissa Explains it All

(That pun was awesome!)

On a more serious note, Larissa called me today.  She was confused and angry.

Let’s start from the beginning….

This morning, I woke up and was thinking about a conversation I had with Dezi a couple of months ago (St. Patty’s to be exact) while I was headed up to the alma mater by bus.  The basic gist of it was he said something to the effect of “But you’re quite a catch and anyone would be lucky to have you.”  And I said “That’s a lie, because I’m the furthest one from being married, so hardly a catch at all, obviously.”  So I texted him about that and I was basically like “Remember that?  Recent events proved me right.  I win.”

Well apparently he texted Larissa  about this, so she called me.  Not because we hadn’t hung out in a while, but because I had hung out with her friends without her.

As you all know, I saw Dezi maybe twice because I was going on dates with Derek.  Derek said he hadn’t seen Larissa in like a year or something, yet she said “You didn’t even invite me to hang out with you and Dezi and Derek.  They are my really good friends!”  Really?  I asked Dezi about it later and he said that they didn’t really hang out, no  And also that he really hadn’t seen her since her birthday anyway.  And I was like, see I thought so.  Also, I did invite her bowling and skiing, so she is just making things up at this point.  Also, why would I invite her on dates?  Just saying…

She also complained about the bachelorette party.  Apparently she didn’t like how people wanted to “enjoy the benefits of the  whole event on everyone else’s dime.  Luckily, Hailey is okay with it just being at my house.”  First of all, everyone told her that they couldn’t afford only the limo, so that’s the part she should have rethought.  Secondly, Hailey admittedly told me that she was much happier that Larissa’s plan had changed.  You can’t have a bachelorette party that the bride-to-be doesn’t like, you know?

Her last complaint was that she wasn’t invited to Addy’s wedding.  I reminded her it was mostly a family wedding anyway.  And then she said “It hurts to not be invited after seventeen years of friendship.”

“Do you and Addy even hang out without Hailey and I?”

“Well, Amanda doesn’t really hang out with Hailey and she still got invited to her wedding.”

“That’s not what I asked you.”

“We go to lunch all the time.”  (Contrast this with Addy’s claim that she rarely, if ever, sees Larissa unless Hailey or I are there as well.)

“Sometimes a wedding isn’t about you.  It’s pretty much family going.”

“Who’s more important, your mom’s second cousin or your friend for seventeen years?”

“The ceremony’s not really about you, it’s about your family, that’s why you go to court with a witness for a license.  The ceremony’s for everyone else.  So the second cousin is probably more important to everyone else, Larissa.”

She didn’t like that and promptly decided that she needed to call Jason.

If you noticed a common trend here, it’s all about Larissa….

(On a blogging note, I didn’t really have anything to say until she called me today, so yay?)

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