Omelets and Apartments

So yesterday I made omelets with Derek and went apartment shopping.

On a side note, omelet is a weird word, isn’t it?  I always want it to have a few more letters than it actually does…

Anyway, so most people make omelets by mixing their eggs, putting in their toppings and flipping them in half, right?  Omelets come toppings in, in my understanding.  Well Derek apparently makes omelets toppings on instead.  I tried to tell him that was scrambled eggs and not omelets, but you see how this is a losing battle, right?

I thought to take a picture of them, but I didn’t, as I was mostly dish washing girl and ingredient supplier.  But it was fun.

And then we went apartment shopping.  It looks like Derek’s plan of living with Dezi seems to be falling through, meanwhile this makes me pray that Larissa doesn’t ditch me for her boyfriend…  We’ll see.

The only thing of note I have to mention is that one apartment lease negotiator (is that what you call them?) anyway, she tried to get me to move in with Derek and I was just flabbergasted.  That is totally not happening, no way, no how.  That would nip whatever this is in the bud very quickly, you know?

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