Archive | April 21, 2011

The Crackberry that Went Swimming

So, an update on my filling yesterday.

I asked my dentist if teeth that need filling are supposed to hurt and they “only hurt if they’ve gotten bad enough, or if your teeth are sensitive.”  So my co-worker is weird, not me.

Anyway, we got another second place yesterday, so yay.  We rock at trivia, and that’s five out of five.  I guess I can go for legit championships now, but I’m just happy to play.  I think it’s making me smarter.  Or at least smarter at random facts.

Anyway, today I want to tell a story about old Brody’s crackberry, because my co-worker at trivia was telling me about his new one while he was supposed to be hosting…  Also he wouldn’t give me paper.  I was annoyed.  He made me rip my own paper.  I work three jobs.  You can find some time in your week to rip paper.  Anyway…

So I used to date old Brody and whenever I would stay over at his apartment, we would take water to bed.  Not in the bed, but we would set the glasses on his night stand.  We would also set our phones on the night stand.

This one particular night, I think I left my phone in the bathroom.  I don’t know why, but I did.  All I know is that it wasn’t on the nightstand when I woke up the next morning.

I had to stretch, so I stretched out my arms and when I was pulling them back, I hit one of the glasses of water.

Well the crackberry decided that it was a fantastic time for a dip and got a bit wet.

Old Brody freaked out and we hurriedly dressed, showered, and ran to Verizon Wireless.

I still don’t have the $400 to spend on a new Crackberry, but as it was November, I definitely didn’t have the $400 then.  So I was freaking out.  Mostly because I felt terrible at having destroyed old Brody’s phone.  Secondly, because $400, eep!

As luck would have it, the phone somehow survived that ordeal unscathed.  There was no water damage present and because old Brody was still under warranty, they decided to send him a new phone.

I bought him lunch and finally remembered how to breathe.

We then got rice for the phone and hoped it would work again.  It did not, so old Brody used my phone for the weekend.  It was interesting having his entire family calling me for a few days, but the phone eventually came and all was well.