Archive | April 20, 2011

I Want to Talk About Another Thing I Hate….

So I’ve been telling you about things I don’t like lately.  Tomorrow, I’m going to talk about puppies, rainbows, and ponies.

I have to go to the dentist today and get a filling.  I hate the dentist anyway.

I actually really like my dentist (I’ve been going there since I was eight), but I hate the idea of the dentist.  They stick things in your mouth.  What are they doing with that drill?  Why do they have pokey things?  What is that for?  They have melty things that can burn you?  Oh dear, is that a piece of my mouth?

I never told you all about my surgery, because surgery makes me squeamish, but I guess I have to talk about it here.

A filling isn’t that bad (unless it gets to a root canal, than eek), but otherwise, you go in for twenty minutes, tooth gets filled and you’re good to go.  The only part that really truly hurts is the Novocaine.  They never numb you enough before they give you the big shot.  The big shot hurts like hell when it goes into your mouth!  Sure the actual part that sucks (the cutting or the drill) doesn’t hurt at all, but that shot hurts.  I hate shots anywhere on my body, so I imagine that maybe about half of this is mental on my part, but it still sucks a lot.

My surgery wasn’t that bad either.  The aftermath sucked.  Let me explain that first.

I had to be on this antibiotic that caused a high fever if I went out in the sun.  Anyone remember when I started this blog?  The end of August?  Oh right, the sun sets at like nine pm.  Stupid antibiotic.  I also had to take vicodin because the surgery hurt so much.  The antibiotic and the vicodin reacted oddly and made me physically ill.  I stopped taking the vicodin the second day.  Sure, my mouth totally hurt a lot and I just slept most of the next day or so and then watched tv like a fiend, but, to me, that was better than being sick.  I preferred taking ibuprofen and suffering than not hurting and suffering in a different way.  Plus the acid taste burned my mouth anyway, so it was probably a smart executive decision on my part.

About a month later, one of my friends suggested I would have been better taking half a vicodin, but the thought never really crossed my mind and maybe I’ll file it away for my next surgery…..

That’s a lie.  I plan on never having another surgery again, if I can help it.  If I do have another surgery, I probably won’t want to risk getting sick off vicodin either.  I’m a creature of habit, so sue me.

Anyway, the worst part of my surgery, other than the recovery, was that I was awake the entire time.  So I felt that Novocaine shot.  I got to see my mouth tissue (I don’t know what you call it), when they pulled it out before sewing it to my mouth.  I felt the pressure from the stitches.  Just all around gross.

Anyway, I was eating lunch with my friend from work (funny because we later heard “We Didn’t Start the Fire” by Billy Joel at the mall, and I talked about her and the song here) and we were eating at a Mediterranean food place which is amazing.  It’s like how I love Chipotle, but there’s a really similar place near the alma mater that is much better.  I like to call Garbanzo Bean the “Mediterranean Chipotle.”  I love Garbanzo Bean, but this Mediterranean place is like the alma mater Mexican food compared to Chipotle.

But, we were eating there and I bit my cheek the same place I have been biting it for the past week, so it’s all raw and gross and hurting.


“Is your filling tooth hurting?”

“No…  I bit my cheek again.  Are they supposed to hurt?”

I have no idea…

Anyway, that was really rambley.  Sorry.