Archive | April 16, 2011

The Job Trifecta

So, as you know, I recently started my trivia hosting job.  Also, you may remember that at the beginning of April, I mentioned a bakery job.  I hadn’t heard from the manager, so a few days ago, I went in and had a talk with him.  I did get the job.

So on Thursday morning, I had orientation.  And then yesterday, I did my first training.

Training here was a little different from my department store job.  When you train for the department store, you sit in the back, away from customers, and you learn how to use a register by yourself.  Not at the bakery.  I learned everything I needed to know on the floor.

I can’t say that the register is actually that complicated, but it takes a bit more getting used to.

So, I have now started working all three of my jobs.  I don’t know if it’s tiring yet, because I feel like I’m doing fine, but this is only the first day I was there, so we’ll see.

I feel like I’ll eventually miss my time off.  I do have tomorrow off because of Hailey’s wedding shower, but I’ll still be busy all day…

I really need to get some cleaning done.