Archive | April 14, 2011

Big Personality Needs a Big Voice

So, tonight is my first time hosting by myself, eep.

I practice hosted yesterday and I am way too quiet for this job.  Like I’m a big talker, but I don’t talk big, if that makes sense.

I have no idea if there’s a way to make my voice bigger or not, otherwise, I just may be doomed.  I’m hoping there is.

I’ve got my question set and everything, and I edited it up a bit with little tidbits I know, especially a literature question.

I’m hoping I do okay tonight…  I’m not even hoping for fantastically here, just okay.

Also, the new host for our location…  There’s something I don’t like about him, but I don’t know what it is…  I’ll figure it out.

Anyway, wish me luck!