Archive | April 1, 2011

April Resolution Check In

So it’s the first day of April 2011…  Time to check in on our resolutions/Bucket Lists again!

Here is the numbered list I made back on January first:

1.  Travel:  Vegas is definitely slated for late summer/early fall.  There is still Pennsylvania in early summer.

2.  Get an apartment:  Time and additional money are still necessary.  But, I did get a second job at a bakery, so yay!

3.  Get a car.  (See above)

4.  Keep blogging:  As of today, April first, this is my 216th post.

Notes from last time:

Every time the weather warms up, I open, but I have gone running a few times now, so yay for me.  I also went to the gym yesterday with one of my friends from work.

As far as visiting the alma mater, I am eight for eleven. (It will be nine for twelve later today, which isn’t bad by any means.)

And from 24 by 24 (I’ll only list the ones with some headway that haven’t been mentioned above):

7.  Learn to cook.  I made ice tea.


9.  Learn to ski.  I am leaving for my ski weekend tonight!  Wish me luck and safety!  This didn’t really happen in March, but I decided I would mention it.


11.  Watch Titanic sixteen more times.  I watched it three times in March.  Thirteen more to go.


12.2.  House Maintenance.  I organized my room yesterday and put away laundry and my shoes.  I went through my mail file folder.  Also, I finally hung my paddles.  I know that these don’t seem like big things, but they really are.


14.  Be a trivia champion at least five times. The first victory occurred on March ninth.  The second occurred on March twenty-third.  And the third occurred on March thirtieth.  We are storied second round champions.  We have yet to be an overall winner, but we have gotten third place twice now, so yay.


15.  Go on local brew tours.  I did three brewery tastings in Fort Fun last weekend, which isn’t quite the same as a brewery tour, but the spirit to try out the beers was there, so I am counting them.

22.  Embrace being a woo girl. You can still follow my adventures at my second blog Diary of a Woo Girl!  I also noted my bull riding throughout March.


So I’ve gotten pretty productive with my bucket list this past month.  Here’s to a the rest of the year being as productive!  Anyway, we’ll check on this Bucket list in May again.  I hope everyone else is keeping up with their bucket lists!

On a side note, I’m too lazy to come up with an April Fool’s joke, so you’ll just have to deal with the lack of humor around here.