Archive | March 31, 2011

Coupons… And Why I Kind of Hate Them

So, I want to talk about coupons today…  Because people piss me off.

I’ve already talked about my extreme distaste for the show Extreme Couponers, but it bears repeating.  Why do you need more deodorant than you will ever need in a lifetime?  Why?  To prove you could get it for practically free?  What is the point?

There was one guy on there that used a bunch of coupons to get a ton of cereal for a food bank and that I can totally get behind and support.  Helping other people, I am totally down with.

Hoarding years of deodorant for no good reason?  I don’t get.

Anyway…  In line with that show are the people who come into my department store with their darn coupons.

It doesn’t really bug me when they’re like “Oh I have one that’s spend $50, save $20…  Can I find something to get it there?”  You bet, let me help you.

Another one is “It’s $28/29 something?  What can I do to get it to thirty?”  Can I suggest a $1.99 candy bar?  No, I won’t adjust the price up for you, that’s silly.  Get a candy bar.

What I hate are the people who hoard their coupons.  (Do you see this pattern where I hate on hoarders?  I totally do.)

We have one that is save 20% on any day you choose. (15% in the home store, which is also fun to explain.  “Why isn’t it saving me 20%?”  You’re in the home store and it’s clearly marked that you save 15% here.)

Anyway, once you see one of these coupons, you’re supposed to check that it’s undated, and then date and sign it.  You hand it back to the customer and say “That’s going to save you 20% for the rest of the day (15% in home), so if you have any other departments to visit, like shoes, feel free to keep using it for the rest of today.”

Most people are only using it on what they’ve already hiked around the store accumulating and are purchasing with you, so they shove it in their wallet and forget about it.

Until the next time they come in and want to save some money.

Then they dig through their purse and pull out the same coupon.

You, as the associate, see it and say “I am so sorry, it looks like this coupon was already used on [date].  It’s now invalid.  Do you have another one?”

And usually they will just say “Oh I forgot.  Here’s another one.”

But then you have the people who argue with you.  “But it says it expires at the end of April.”  Right, if you haven’t had it dated on a day you choose yet, you do have the choice to use it any day from now until its expiration in April.  If you used it, it is technically expired now (unless it’s whatever date is marked on it, then feel free to keep using it today).

And then after you explain that, usually people will either find another one or just pay for the stuff.

But I had a customer the other day who outright says “I have a coupon for 20%, but it already has a date on it.”

“I’m very sorry, but if it’s already been dated it’s no longer a valid coupon.  I can take it for you if you want to get rid of it.”

“Well in the other department, they’ve let me use it multiple times.  Will you let me do that?”

“I’m very sorry, they shouldn’t be doing that.  If you have another undated coupon, I’ll be happy to ring it up with the discount then.”

“I have another one, but I’m saving it for the silverware that goes on special tomorrow.  They told me I could use the coupon on it.”

This customer doesn’t know that I also work in the home store often and that she was given false information, unfortunately.  “I’m very sorry, but if the silverware is on two-day special tomorrow, it won’t be able to be discounted any further.  The specials do not take coupon discounts.”

“Well, they said I could.  So will you take my dated coupon?”

“I already told you I cannot do that.  And even though the silverware cannot be discounted additionally, if you want to use the coupon on it and you will be back tomorrow anyway, I can put those clothes on hold for you and you can purchase them tomorrow with the coupon.”

“Is it okay if I go to other department?  They’ll let me use my dated coupon today.”

The department in question is the one I am actually working in, I was just covering a lunch shift.  I tell her it is fine with me, but they shouldn’t be taking the coupon and they probably will not do it (as the two people in that department that do take the dated coupons are not working at the moment.  I warned my co-worker over there and just shook my head at her.  Some people.

When I went back over to my department, it turns out that the co-worker who will reuse dated coupons is back and had rung up the customer.  I reminded her that she shouldn’t be doing that as it cheats the company out of money.  She says that if they are card holders with the company, we should treat them better.

I reiterated that they get sent multiple coupons for this reason, and they should not be allowed to abuse the system.  I hope corporate keeps track of the codes and who rings them up, honestly.