Archive | March 24, 2011

Why It’s Hard to Lose a Friend

There’s a point when you get used to people being around all the time.  It’s inevitable that at some point, someone is going to be such a big part of your life that even if you don’t see them every day, even if you don’t talk to them every day, that you definitely need to know that they’re still fine and doing well.

This is how I feel about Allie, my Big, Kristin, Melissa, Shawn, and now Blake.

These are people I spent so much time with that it’s always a bit strange to have them gone.  But, I know they’re okay and that’s really the difference.

But what about people like Keith?  He’s in the same state and I never see him anymore because not only did he go back to his boyfriend, but said boyfriend also hates me and won’t let Keith see me.  Keith, who I shared everything with for eight years, is someone I never see.  I got so used to having him around for eight years…  Except I don’t know that he’s still fine.  I don’t know that he’s doing well.

I just know that he’s back with the same person who really hurt him.  Even though I was there for him for years, someone who hurts him and claims to care about him is better?  I don’t understand.

Other people we care about are our pets.  When my first fish, Pearl, died, I bawled for two days.  Then, I got his step-brother.

Last night, Steph had to put down her pet rat MoMo.  Earlier in the year, she had to put down his brother Eddie.  The little ratties have been there with her for years now.  So it’s hard to see them gone.

RIP Momo and Eddie.