Archive | March 12, 2011

The Bull Who Bruised Me

So over at Diary of a Woo Girl, I created a woo girl addendum to my 24 before 24 list that I have over here.

It goes as follows:


1.  Ride a mechanical bull and not fall off in two seconds.

2.  Learn to line dance.

3.  Start a trend.

4.  Bring back curly straws.

5.  Become a bar regular.

6.  Live a woo girl life on a post-grad budget.

7.  Pretend it’s my birthday so I can wear a tiara…  Get birthday drinks.

8.  Perfect pink cowboy hat wear.

9.  From the bucket list (18):  Go gambling and win.

10.  From the bucket list (19):  Be a model.

11.  From the bucket list (20):  Meet a nice guy in a bar.


I want to talk about the first item on the list, 22a from the 24 before 24 list.

I don’t really know what I meant by “and not fall off in two seconds.”  Was that a literal two seconds?  Because I was already able to ride a mechanical bull for more than two seconds.  I think it may have been a metaphorical two seconds.  I want to talk about two bull riding incidents I’ve had recently.  I suspect another one on Thursday…  Because bull riding is fantastic and it’s Thursday…

So the first incident occurred a week ago.  I went out with Stacey, Lilac, and the engineers (Steph was sadly studying) and we ended up at the cowboy bar as usual.  Not my cowboy bar downtown, but the cowboy bar.

You get so used to things, it’s funny how they suddenly become the only one in the world.  I know there are obviously a lot of cowboy bars, but that one at the alma mater is the cowboy bar.  It’s like if you say you want a certain food and everyone immediately drives you to it, like only OC’s serves pizza or something.

So, anyway, I convinced Stacey to ride the bull with me.  It went mostly well, except we fell off and hit heads and she got mad at me…  Because it was totally intentional.

But we definitely stayed on for more than two seconds.  I really need someone to time me.

Anyway, last night I got on the same bull with one of Steph’s friends (finally got to see her, yay), who ended up being kind of a jerk, and I discovered something important about that bull…

It’s not made for a male and female to ride it…  Or, maybe it is, but not me and Steph’s friend.

I know two girls can ride it comfortably and clearly one person can ride it comfortably.  But I’m not sure a guy and girl can ride it together.  Maybe if they know each other better…

Anyway, we left the bar and I immediately started to feel a stabbing pain in my leg.

We got back to Blake and Cameron’s and I whined about my leg.  So Cameron offered me some corn.  “It’s probably bruising” he told me “and there’s not much else you can do besides ice it.”  So I iced it.  It didn’t feel better.  He offered me peas, and that’s about it.

Once I got myself home, I was able to look at the damage.  All up and down my legs were rows of bruises.

I have vowed to no longer ride a mechanical bull with men.

But, next time I do ride it, I’ll have someone time me.  Then I’ll know exactly what longer than “two seconds” is.