Archive | March 11, 2011

Tasty Ice Tea

So I started my foray into cooking by making ice tea.  I know like it doesn’t seem like a big deal to you all, but ice tea is tasty and now I am an expert.

So, here’s a tasty ice tea recipe.  I changed it slightly from the one I found because that one doesn’t make enough tea and you have to repeat the process twice.  This way is more convenient.


Tasty ice tea


Eight tea bags of your choice (I like Celestial Seasoning Mandarin Orange Spice)

Eight cups of water

Sugar (eventually)



A pot or saute pan large enough to hold four cups of water

A heat safe container large enough to hold four cups of water

A liquid measuring cup (at least up to one cup in volume)

A pitcher



1.  Measure four cups of water into pot/saute pan.

2.  Boil the four cups of water.

3.  Place eight tea bags into the heat safe container.

4.  Pour boiling water over the eight tea bags.

5.  Let steep for six to ten minutes.

6.  Remove tea bags

7.  Pour tea into a pitcher.

8.  Add four cups of cold water to the pitcher.

9.  Chill pitcher.

10.  Upon serving, add sugar to glass to suit individual taste preference (I like adding about two tea spoons of sugar, not measuring teaspoons, mind you, but the spoons made for tea.)


So, there’s my tasty ice tea recipe.  Enjoy!