Archive | March 6, 2011

Some Lame TV News…

Well, it’s not, lame tv news, but it’s kind of lame that I’m telling you all tv news.

I had a long day at the alma mater yesterday, so it took me a while to get back…  And thus, tv news.

How I Met Your Mother Gets Two More Seasons:  Legen….   wait for it! And I hope you’re not lactose intolerant because the next word is  dary!  Legendary!  Okay awesome.

Fall 2011 TV Scorecard:  Who else got renewed?  Glee, awesome.  And Two and a Half Men…  I guess tiger blood is keeping this show alive…

Fifteen True Blood Spoilers:  I want to cry…  And go read Dead to the World… again.  This is my favorite Sookie Stackhouse novel and those spoilers terrify me.

This is how I feel about two upcoming Leo movies…  The Great Gatsby and The Devil in the White City.  I love Leo, but the books are so amazing and books and movies…  But Leo…  It’s difficult at best.  Definitely read the books before you see the movies.

Side note, this is also how I felt about the Keira Knightley Pride and Prejudice (my favorite book).  But the BBC mini series, awesome.


This is sort of TV news, but I was watching the 25th Anniversary Concert of Les Miserables on tv tonight and I think Colm Wilkinson has found work for life for originating Jean Valjean.  Like, twenty-five years later, he’s still doing this….  Crazy right?

Two good notes about Les Miserables:

One, it is probably my second favorite book of all time.  I say probably because I am ninety percent sure it is my second favorite book.

Two, Bree and I are going to see the 25th anniversary US tour.  Yay!