Some Concert Photos

Sometimes, I try to get some good content generated and it takes me a while because I get busy or I suck…  I’ll admit it, blogging daily is hard sometimes.  That’s how September fourth originated.  But people have started subscribing to me, so I always feel bad if I have an extreme lack of content while knowing there are readers.  And especially since I feel like I’m even less exciting now than back then.

So, rather than focus on a September fourth type post where I tell you that I’m busy with work, yay, and need money, boo, I’m going to post some pictures I took at a concert last summer.  Some of them are a little blurry, so I’ll only feature the best ones.  There’s actually sixty-seven all total, so enjoy the eighteen best.

One of my hobbies I don’t really talk about often is my love of photography.  I really like taking pictures, but usually they’re of my friends.  So, this is one of the few times I’ve taken photos of an event.  So enjoy.

These are from the June 21, 2010 Backstreet Boys concert in Colorado.

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