Archive | February 2011

Girls (and guys) I’m Positive!…

So I thought you all might like an update on my weekend.

I ended up not seeing Steph, which was unfortunate.  I was with Blake still, though, because we were all hanging out in the first place to be wing women as I tried to set Blake up with Stacey.

Without Steph, we were down to three, but in a strange turn of events, Blake and one of his roommates, Cameron, came to grab me.  So, somehow, Cameron ended up coming with us for the entire night.

I did give him a top ten list of reasons to come, but I doubt they were that convincing:

  1. Steph is super awesome.
  2. I am super awesome.
  3. Blake is your roommate and he is super awesome.
  4. The three of us have tons of fun.
  5. My little, Stacey, is coming with us and she is pretty fabulous.
  6. We’re setting Blake up with Stacey and he needs our support.
  7. If it doesn’t go well, you can watch Blake crash. (This was only after Cameron said he didn’t want to give Blake his support.)
  8. All work and no play is the leading killer of wives and children in Estes Park, CO.  (Anyone get the movie reference, because the boys did not.)
  9. We’re going to have a fish bowl, get excited!
  10. You’re already out with us right now, so why ruin a good thing?

I ran out of ideas near the end of that list, unfortunately.  And, as I mentioned above, Steph ended up not coming with us.

I didn’t get hit on, since we were even, but we played a fun game of air hockey (not as fun as the night Steph and I met some air hockey champions, though).

I tried my best to matchmaker, but Stacey just wasn’t that into Blake, unfortunately for him.  He was kind of disappointed.  I did have fun with Cameron, though, so that was interesting.

He ended up making me breakfast (yummy) and it sounded like he would be hanging out with us more often.  So, at the very least, maybe next time I won’t have to give him a top ten list.

Also, by stepping out in my signature color (though not weather appropriate), I was feeling more like myself (even though I almost fell and I smacked a waiter, sorry waiter!)

So, as a bonus, have another Legally Blonde song that instantly makes you happy!

Vegas Lost

Sorry to everyone who placed bets in Vegas based on my prediction.  I told you it’s never guaranteed when I have a strong opinion one way or the other.

And it really is against the law to like Green Bay here.

I don’t know why.  It just is.

That’s pretty much all I have to say today though, sorry you all.

Place Your Bets in Vegas

So I have a talent that’s fairly impressive.

I can predict the winner of sporting events.  I know, it’s pretty fantastic.

If I am watching a sporting event on tv, for instance, and have no real attachment to the team playing, the one I decide to root for always wins.

I apologize to the Saints fans, I’m a supporter, so when I watched the game in Montreal and they played the Seahawks, it was a tossup as to who would win.  Sorry Saints.  It’s not always guaranteed when I’m a supporter.

I’ll also apologize to the Bears and Eagles for this reason.  You can’t like Green Bay and be from Colorado.  It’s basically against the law.  And since I followed this rule and stood by Steph and Shawn’s pick, respectively, a win wasn’t guaranteed.

But, if I end up without a bias, I can always predict the winner.

I can also predict the winner if I am actually at the game.  I have never been to a Nuggets, Avalanche, Broncos, Rockies, etcetera game where the hometown team lost.  It’s never happened.

The alma mater is a bit different, but I think that may be because I am so heavily invested in them winning.  The line between sense and devotion is a bit blurred.

So, I’m rooting for the Steelers to win tonight against Green Bay.  Will they win?  Time will tell…

So Much Better!

I’ve been feeling kind of down lately.  I don’t really know what it is, but I’ve been feeling like I wasn’t myself and that I have been lacking some of my Deidree sparkle.

Not that I think that I’m amazing special or anything by calling it “Deidree sparkle,” but just that it’s that special something that makes me Deidree.

I started listening to the Legally Blonde musical again lately and I sat myself down and decided that I would get back to myself.

Success is, after all, 40% work, 10% luck, 20% networking, and 30% attitude.

I’m working on the 30% attitude.

And that starts today with an outfit change.  I’ve been wearing a lot of jeans and black lately…  Some blue and purple, too.  It’s winter, after all, so dark colors are prevalent.

But one of my signature colors is pink.  (The other one is probably blue.)  So I decided I was going to put on one of my pink dresses with my favorite pair of heels while I hit the town.

I’m hoping that a positive outlook turns my mood around.

And when you’re down, try singing this song and not feeling better!  You’ll be surprised!


Injury in the Mountains

I went to the mountains with Shawn once last summer.  We went on a pretty hike in the foothills.  It’s a very pretty rock formation overlooking the entire area.  It’s so scenic and gorgeous.

Our hike was all well and good until we were on our way back.  About halfway down the foothills, I slipped on some loose gravel and cut up my entire right knee.

The first thing I did was sit down because blood scares me and I was hyperventilating a bit.

Shawn sat with me for about ten minutes while I repeatedly silently told myself not to cry because I still don’t really like crying in front of other people, and especially men.

But it was getting later, so he finally stood up and told me “I don’t want to stay on the mountain all night and I know you don’t either.  So, you’re going to have to get up eventually.”

“I can’t get up,”  I protested.

“You’re  going to have to get up.  I can’t carry you down the mountain.”

“But it hurts…”  I tried my best to keep my sniffles tiny.  “I can’t walk…”

Shawn leaned down.  “I know it hurts, but you’ll have to get up so we can get back before dark.”

“Shawn…”  Another tiny sniffle.

Shawn put his hands in his pockets.  “I can’t carry you and I want to go home.  So it looks like if you’re not coming with me,  I’ll have to leave you here…”

I got up slowly and laboriously and prodded toward him, “Shawn!”

He pulled me closer to him and gave me a hug, “Look, you can walk.  I knew you could.”

Shawn ended up letting me walk in front of him.  It took us about an hour and a half to get down the rest of the mountain, but we made it, slowly.  When we got back to the trails below the cliffs, we walked together.  I was feeling kind of faint at this point, so I was holding on to Shawn.  He patted my back and kept our pace steady, but comfortable.

When we got back to his house, he helped me bandage my knee up after I cleaned it.

My knee healed mostly, eventually, but now it’s all scar tissue.  It hurts when the weather gets bad and things like paddle boats, for instance, are pretty hard for me to handle.  I can run and use ellipticals, though, so who really knows.

Anyway, last weekend Steph, our friend Blake, and I climbed up the same mountain Shawn and I had hiked this summer.  It was worse because the trail was snowy and icy at parts.  Both of them slipped: Steph once and Blake twice.  I actually ended up making it down without falling, which was my goal.  I dream big.

When we got down, I sent a message to Shawn that told him I made it up and down without injury.  He responded with “Nice.  I knew you could.”  So sweet.

Seven Ways to Procrastinate…

I was on NaBloPoMo today and the prompt was “tell us seven things you do when you procrastinate.”

I thought this was interesting, but you know, it really depends on when you’re procrastinating.

The number one way to procrastinate from school or whatever is Facebook.  It’s not as effective when you have nothing to procrastinate for.  Or when you’re not in school…  Because all your friends in school make you a bit depressed.

Instead, here are some blogs I like:

Regretsy:  Arts and crafts hilarity

Lamebook:  Not always funny, but when it’s funny, it’s funny.

People of Walmart:  Especially funny when the only thing open after you’re out of work during the summer is Walmart.  The worst ones come out at night.  (Including us sometimes.)

Dear Girls Above Me:  I hate to admit this, but sometimes these conversations remind me of my friends and I…  Not all of the or all the time, but sometimes…

Hyperbole and a Half:  Hilarious!  Always hilarious!

Children of the 90s:  Who doesn’t like reminiscing their youth?

Better Book Titles:  I play a game where I try to guess the book before I scroll down.  I’m right about 85% of the time.

Not Always Right:  If you’ve worked in the customer service industry anywhere, you understand.  It’s hilarious solidarity.

College Humor:  Speaks for itself.


So, this is pretty much how I procrastinate on any given day.  Enjoy?

Checking in on Our Resolutions

So yesterday was the first day of February and a month in to 2011.  It’s probably time to check on our resolutions.

Or our Bucket List priorities.

Here was the numbered list I made back on January first:

1.  Travel:  I already made my way to New York and Montreal.  I also had a layover in Atlanta, but that doesn’t really count.  And Pennsylvania is definitely still planned for this summer.  I don’t have anything right now, but Steph and I have been talking about Vegas.

2.  Get an apartment:  Right now I’m working on the job part of this goal.

3.  Get a car.  (See above)

4.  Keep blogging:  It’s February second right now and here’s my one hundred and fifty-ninth post on my blog.  Taa-da!!!


When the weather warms up a bit (or at least the snow has melted and it’s not really as slushy), I want to start up a running regiment again.  I also think I need to start playing tennis with Amy again.


Also Steph decided that I need to make it my goal to visit her at the alma mater every weekend this semester before she starts commuting next year.  So far, I’m three for three.

Anyway, we’ll check on this Bucket list in March again.  I hope everyone else is keeping up with their bucket lists!

The Montreal Trip Part Five

So, it’s been a week since you all have heard about Montreal.  I’m sure you’re totally excited for more of the story, right?  Of course you are.

Last Time (Part Four):  The entrance fee to Notre Dame, where the stairs lead in the Palais du Congress, and the mountain lion that came to life and ate Seth’s face.

So, Part Five!…  in which the boys discover poutine, Shawn finally showers, and the final member of our party arrives.

So we got back to the hotel and Brent and Ryan are just getting up.

Shawn lay down.  “Should I shower?  I’m hungry.”

“You should probably shower eventually,” I told him.  “I guess I’m kind of hungry too though.”

We asked how Ryan’s nap was and it was apparently awesome, but Ryan was also hungry.  So the three of us went down to the food court.  There may have been free wi-fi down there.  Shawn thought about bringing down his computer because he’d gotten an email on his blackberry yesterday from one of his professors that the day of the week his class was meeting had changed from Wednesday night to Monday night.  Shawn ultimately ended up choosing not to bring his computer down with him.

We wandered around the food court.  We thought about maybe getting A&W burgers, then we saw a breakfast place, but I don’t think it was Chez Cora.

“Fuck cafes, we’re eating breakfast right here in our hotel tomorrow.”  Shawn was still bitter about our walk that morning, I think, when he had to keep pointing out every breakfast place we passed because he was starving. (Actually, he kind of sounded like me and my bad habit of reading random signs on the road, which is what led to the beaver on a stick incident on the way up.)

We kept wandering around the food court until we found Jiggs’ fritterie…

“What’s a fritterie?”  the two boys asked.

“Jiggs’ fry place.”  I started laughing.  I think it’s because “fritterie” doesn’t really translate well.  How awkward does “fry place” sound as a restaurant name?  I mean, it’s awkwardly awesome…  But still awkward.

So we studied the menu and there was something that looked like greasy french fries called “poutine” which sounded awesome, so we decided to try it.  Ryan got it with sausage (look, I remembered what Ryan ate finally, yay for Ryan), Shawn got it with beef, and I just got the fries only version (but Shawn let me try some of his beef poutine).

Poutine was pretty darn delicious.  It reminded me of nachos, but they were french fries…  It was crazy.  The boys compared it to a garbage plate, which is an upstate New York thing I guess?  Apparently they toss mashed up hot dogs on mashed up fries and onions and toppings and stuff.  I don’t really know.  I don’t like hot dogs, so that sounds kind of disturbing to me.  But if there was a non hot dog version that tasted like poutine, I guess that would be alright.

Shawn decided that the poutine pretty much cured his hangover and he was so glad that we weren’t Montrealians, because he was fairly certain he would weigh three hundred pounds if he could eat poutine all the time.  Ryan agreed.  (Thirty hours since Shawn has showered).

After that, we went back to the hotel room and Shawn and I took a nap.  We woke up around five twenty or so and Shawn asked when we were heading to dinner.  He finally decided that thirty-one hours later it was finally time to shower.

While Shawn was showering, Anthony was getting in touch with Brent.  He had apparently left early that morning, but had gotten held up at the border.  I didn’t get to hear the full story then, but it sounded awesomely hilarious (side note, it was awesomely hilarious).  The sad part was, unfortunately, that it seemed that because of his hold up that Anthony would not be able to make it to the city in time to join us for dinner.

So as soon as Shawn finished showering and getting dressed again (in the same clothes he wore all day while he was unshowered….), we all headed out to a restaurant we found that morning…

The Keg.

That’s right, we totally had a steak dinner in Montreal.  We got to sit near a window again.  I like to think it’s because we’re a good-looking group.  If you sit pretty people near the windows, more people will want to come in and eat or something?  That sounds so narcissistic!  I meant that whole display of narcissism in the nicest way possible!

Everyone else had a beer, but I picked out a nice glass of wine for my steak, although it was white, but I just really felt like some white wine.

All the guys order their steaks in Keg size which are larger and thicker.  Blair ordered a chicago style well done (charred on the outside and well done in the middle) surf and turf and all the guys were upset about it.  They said it was steak blasphemy.  None of them could understand why she would want a charred steak.  Then they talked about her haven eaten dogs again.

You know, we seemed to have a few main topics of conversation throughout this trip, looking back on it:

1.  Blair has eaten dogs.

2.  Me saying “Shawn that’s not…” and explaining things while Shawn is being obstinate.

3.  Seth and “A-mur-i-kan”

4.  Poutine

5.  The weird noises Blair and I made.

Topics six to ten coming in the next installment!

Anyway, so we all order our steaks, I had a teriyaki style steak and a baked potato with garlic butter and it was the most amazing baked potato and steak ever.  I need to figure out how to make garlic butter because it was so delicious.  Blair asked for veggies of some sort instead of the baked potato, and everyone else had the bake potato because of the amazing sounding garlic butter.  I don’t remember what kind of steaks the guys got (but I think Shawn had a teriyaki steak too), but like I said before, they were the bigger and thicker cuts.

The Keg size steaks all also came with side Caesar salads, which were much larger than a side salad.  Shawn ended up sharing his salad with me.

Blair ended up not liking her steak.  She said it wasn’t cooked enough.  The boys all blasphemed her again because it was charred on the outside.

I’m pretty sure Ryan even asked her “How could it be more cooked?  Do you want it charred all the way through?”

The boys laughed, but Blair pretty much decided that was an awesome idea.  The boys proceeded to be dumbfounded.

Brent had a hard time finishing his steak.  He said it was amazing, but he was feeling so full.

“Would you like me to finish your steak?”  Shawn asked him patronizingly.

At the end of dinner, we were waiting on Brent to finish his beer.

“Would you like me to finish your beer?”  Shawn asked in the same patronizing tone.

Shawn chugged the rest of Brent’s beer.  “I’m happy to finish your beer and steak…  But you should really be man enough to finish them yourself.”  And Shawn gave Brent the shit-eating grin.  The other guys laughed and chided Brent, but it wasn’t as much as they chided Seth over his pint the day before.  Although I think a girl finishing her steak before a man is more “shit-giving” worthy than a girl finishing a pint before a man, but I don’t really know.  Maybe that beer was that important.

After dinner we wandered around Old Montreal a bit more, since Ryan and Brent hadn’t been with us earlier, and found a science museum.  The boys all commented on the giant poster of a naked man and woman.  Seth wanted to look around.  Seth was shot down because museums cost money.  Isn’t this a lovely pattern?

We found another SAQ and I bought more Absolut.  Shawn offered to get it, but I was insistent about wanting to contribute to the alcohol fund.  He protested a bit, but finally agreed as long as he or one of the other boys paid for my drinks while we were out (you would think that meant that night only, but his look definitely implied the rest of the weekend).  The boys weren’t really feeling the hard liquor today and the only thing we were out of was the vodka anyway.  We still had Brent’s maple whiskey and the Beefeater (gross).  The boys tried to figure out where we could get some beer and one of the SAQ employees suggested a corner store down the street.

We then walked down the street and found the corner store.  We replenished our Orangina and Pepsi and the boys were looking for beer in the coolers, but wanted more than a can or two.  Then they found the back refrigerator full of cases of beer.  I think that more than anything else, that finding the walk-in refrigerator made their night.

So we start walking back to the hotel, Shawn offered to carry the alcohol for me in the Orangina/Pepsi bag while Ryan was carrying a thirty rack of Blue.  Shawn offered me his hand while we were walking.

At one point the bag broke and the Pepsi fell out, but not the glass bottle vodka, thank goodness. At that point, Shawn had to carry the bag in his arms (mostly to protect the vodka from falling), so he offered me his elbow instead.  He complained about his ears being cold and I offered my hand as ear muffs, but he shrugged it off.

Right when we got back to the hotel was when Anthony finally arrived, so it was perfect timing.  We took the alcohol back to the red card room.

Next Time:  Anthony recounts the story of his crossing the border, we finally enter a Tim Horton’s, and the men declare it’s “Guys’ Night.”