Falling Off the Woo Girl Wagon

Admittedly, being a woo girl can be fairly difficult.  Last night, I had a bit of a hard time with my ambition to be a woo girl.

I think a lot of being a woo girl in a non-familiar situation is being a spectacle.  You try and make as many new acquaintances as possible to increase your recognizability, I suppose.

I’m rambling.  Bree and I went to the cowboy bar and I wore my pink cowboy hat.  Many people talked to us because of said cowboy hat, but then they all hit on Bree.

I lost my woo girl mojo.

I don’t know what it is about February that’s so depressing…  I’m just so excited for March.  Four days left!

(Sorry, this is a short post, here’s a blog comic from The Oatmeal about the worst thing about Valentine’s Day.)

2 thoughts on “Falling Off the Woo Girl Wagon

  1. It’s a lot of responsiblitiy to be a Woo Girl. 95% of it is attitude, so the next time you feel your mojo heading south, shake it off and make up your mind that you look great and everyone you meet is lucky to know you!

    • That’s what I always tell myself, but sometimes things are a real blow to the ego, you know? But it’s definitely a good mindset to live by.

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