Archive | February 23, 2011

Why The World Needs Woo Girls

So I hope you all enjoyed my mock up bar review a couple of days ago.  We’re still preparing for the launch of my second blog, yay!  Just so you know, we launch on March first!  (And March is really exciting because there are two woo girl high holidays:  Mardi Gras and St. Patrick’s Day.)  In case you were wondering, it probably won’t update every day, but some time between two and four times a week.  I think I’ll probably start at two.  I can always go down from there.

Anyway, in honor of the upcoming launch, I’ll have a couple woo girl honorary posts.

So today we will be discussing why the world needs woo girls.  And it’s bigger than tiny cowboy hats (sales are down anyway, so we need to bring them back).

Here we go!

1.  Woo girls believe in the economy.  Woo girls stimulate sales in cosmetics, clothing, jewelry, food services, taxi services, and local economy.  (Woo girls love local shops!)

2.  Woo girls believe in the community.  As I said above, woo girls love local shops, even if they are the local form of a chain, they support their local one adamantly.

3.  Woo girls forecast trends.  What’s hot?  What’s not?  The woo girls know.

4.  Woo girls make anything fun.  Try hanging out with a woo girl and not having fun.  I can help ease the social anxieties of normally socially anxious people.  What can your woo girl do for you?

5.  Woo girls can always make you smile.  Elle Woods once told us that happy people don’t kill their husbands.  Woo girls keep people from being unhappy.  Guaranteed.

6. Woo girls have limitless energy.  Woo girls are able to be out at night being woo girls because they have so much energy.  They also use that energy during the day to save the world.

7.  Woo girls are persistent.  Whatever a woo is code for, woo girls don’t just sit by and let it happen.  Woo girls actively try to take away what their woos are masking.

8.  Woo girls are worldly.  Any real woo girl doesn’t let the world pass her by, she takes it in stride.  That’s how she is able to stimulate the economy, support local communities, and save the world.

9.  Woo girls are inspiring.  It takes a real woo girl to have her problems and set them aside to make a difference.  Woo girls have extreme confidence.

10.  Woo girls are awesome.  Woo girls are hardly bimbos, woo girls are awesome.


These are the real reasons the world needs woo girls.  I told you it was bigger than tiny cowboy hats.