Twenty-four Things to Do Before Age Twenty-four (part two)

So I left you all hanging a couple of days ago when I started listing things I wanted to do before age twenty-four and I hit a blank during my lunch break and only got to fifteen.  Which only makes me nine short, but still nine short.

So, here are the next nine.  Apologies for not getting them out the first time.


16.  Ride a horse.  I have been terrified of horses since a friend’s bad experience in third grade and have not been on (or very close) to one since.  I would like to conquer this fear and get on one at some point during this year.

17.  Get back into dance.  I really miss my dance classes.  The nice thing about dancing is that even if you’re really depressed, upset, or angry, you can dance and forget about it for a while.  I’d especially like to get back into ballet if I can.

18.  Go gambling and win.  I could also put “win the lottery” here, but I’m trying to be realistic.  So I’d like to gamble and win at least a little money.

19.  Be a model.  I just think it would be fun.

20.  Meet a nice guy in a bar.  All of my friends say it can’t be done.  I want to prove them wrong.  Who knows, maybe I’ll find him in my new dream bar.

21.  Host a dinner party.  Dinner parties are awesome and classy.  I like being a hostess and I could showcase my newly found cooking talents.

22.  Embrace being a woo girl.  I’ve been kind of down lately (I blame Valentine’s Day), so instead of getting down, I’m focusing on my attitude.  I know a woo is often a sign of sadness, but I am going to perk myself right up…  And wear a tiny cowboy hat.  (If you don’t know what I’m talking about, you should probably watch this.)

22a.  Ride a mechanical bull without falling off in two seconds.  This is important to me…  Because I’m bad at it.  Training for riding a horse?

23.  Complete at least 3/4 of NaNoWriMo.  I got a bit over 1/4 of the way last time, so this November, I want to try again and complete it.  Go 50,000 words.  But, definitely at least 3/4 of the way, because it’s twice as much as this year.

24.  Volunteer.  I’ve been so concerned about myself lately that I think I’ve lost sight of what’s really important to me…  Which sounds weird, but it totally makes sense to me.

And here’s one to grow on:

25.  Get back into being Greek.  This is a huge part of my life that I feel like I’m neglecting as well.

2 thoughts on “Twenty-four Things to Do Before Age Twenty-four (part two)

  1. Yay HIMYM! I don’t think I’ll ever be a woo girl (but you know what woo girls are really saying when they woo…). You could be a nude model for an art class-just contact an art department of a local college. They are always looking for models (and they also pay pretty well, considering all you do is sit there.)

    • I love that show! I always think that could be my friends and our experiences (or similarly). :) Well, not everyone can be a woo girl, but I figure if that’s my job in my friend groups, I have to start stepping up to the plate.

      I didn’t even think of being a nude model for an art class… That’s actually not a bad idea at all. Hmmm….

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