Archive | February 17, 2011

Twenty-four Things to Do Before Age Twenty-four

So, a couple of days ago, I updated my bucket list item to travel with all the places my trip to visit Shawn took me.  I got a comment on the post from Jessica who runs a bucket list type blog called “101 Things To Do Before You Die.”  I was impressed at the organization of the list and how much she has worked toward accomplishing her goals.

My bucket list, on the other hand, is kind of vague and disorganized…

So, I decided that I would get more productive and create a short-term list for this next year.  I kind of already started that with my supposed new years resolutions, so I’ll expand on that, I think.

Right now, I’m feeling kind of lost, so here’s to hoping this gives me some sort of direction.

So, my twenty-fourth birthday is in a little over ten months and I think I can do twenty-four things in ten months.  So here we go!

1.  Get out of the country.  I knew I was doing this since the end of December, but it was on my eventual bucket list and I think it was a big accomplishment on my part.  I ended up traveling to Montreal, and you can read the story, so far, here, here, here, here, and here.

2.  Travel to at least four new states.  I want to fight the curse of square state syndrome and make my way to four new states before turning twenty-four.  Ideally, one of these will be a purple state.

3.  Get my first apartment.  I’m ready to get out into the world!  Here’s to Larissa and I getting our apartment soon.

4.  Get my first car.  I really need a car and this is an important goal for me this year.

5.  Run the Boulder Boulder.  This is a big race here in Colorado and I’ve spent the past few years saying I would do it…  I just haven’t.  So, this year, I’m finally going to run it.

6.  Take up tennis seriously.  I want to get back into this again and get a lot better by the time I leave for my summer job again.

7.  Learn to cook.  I keep saying I want to do this, so I’m finally going to figure it out.  I want to be able to make a pasta dish, a chicken dish, and a beef dish at the very least.

8.  Take the GRE and score in at least the 95th percentile.  I need to take the GRE anyway this year, but I’m going to motivate myself to do really well!

9.  Learn to ski.  I’m a Coloradoan who cannot ski…  it’s kind of an oxymoron.

10.  Go on a road trip. I don’t care where, but I need a road trip 2011.

11.  Watch Titanic sixteen more times.  One of my friends told me sophomore year that I couldn’t see Titanic over one hundred times.  So I want to have spent two weeks of my life watching it…  I know it sounds silly, but I am only four viewings away from having seen it one hundred times.  And only twelve away from the two week mark after that.  I can watch it a little under twice a month for the rest of the year, I think.

12.  Beat old Brody in a game of scrabble.  I was five points away on Tuesday.  It’s going to happen this year.  I will kick his scrabble butt.

13.  Finish engineering bingo.  I won’t explain this, because it sounds kind of terrible, but I’m really close.

14.  Be a trivia champion at least five times.  I’m going to be a trivia champion, y’all…

15.  Go on local brew tours. I’m not a big beer person, so I think that this will allow me to at least appreciate beer, even if it doesn’t make me like it.

This is only fifteen, but I can’t think of nine more things at the moment….  I’ll update you all when I do…