Strangers Who Talk Too Much!

Have you ever met that stranger who talks way too much?  I don’t necessarily mean this as the stranger who just talks and talks incessantly without letting you get a word in.  Those strangers can be annoying, but interesting.

I mean the strangers that seem not to realize that they’re talking to a stranger.

I met one of these last night.

I ended up at karaoke with one of my friends and one of her friends.  Her friend proceeded to call a bunch of her friends.

One of my friend’s friend’s friends ended up attempting to hit on me.

The first thing he tells me is “Wouldn’t you like my cock in your mouth?”  No…  No I would not.  We just met.

He then proceeded to tell me that “All women are crazy and all men are stupid.  It’s like ‘Men Are From Mars and Women Are From Venus,’ because you’re all crazy, but we put up with it because we’re stupid.”

I politely explained that it sounded like he hadn’t read the book he was referencing and that perhaps the opposite could also be true: that women were crazy for putting up with male stupidity.

(Please don’t consider this rude, as I do not believe that all men are stupid and all women are crazy.  I think that everyone of both genders has their crazy and stupid moments.)

He left me alone at that point and I thought I could enjoy my karaoke in peace.  I was wrong.

He later came over and said “I hear you like blond frat boys.”

I told him I preferred blond fraternity men, yes.  I also said that everyone has a type.  Apparently, that wasn’t acceptable.

He proceeded to tell me that I was living under the corporate machine and those frat boys don’t know how to live for themselves.  They only do as they’re told, and I had the same problem.

(Apparently this is the fault to be found to the answer for the question as to why fraternity men are my type: upholding the qualities of leadership, scholarship, philanthropy, brotherhood, caring about something larger than yourself, common history, common beliefs, and common circles.  You know, base things.)

I thought he was done here.  I thanked him for his opinion and told him that I disagreed and that we should leave it at that.

He then told me that if I were to make use of my talents by working for myself, I could make four grand a week and he would give me a preview of my earnings right then.

Here is a stranger who did not realize he was talking to a stranger…  Or at least, a stranger who had no class whatsoever.  This isn’t the type of thing you should say to a stranger.  (Actually, this is something I would hope that no one would say to a friend, either.)

Do people forget their manners with strangers?  I don’t know, but here is my request: when you meet someone you don’t know, don’t say anything to them that you wouldn’t say in seriousness to your family or friends.

(And if you would say this to your family and friends, then you’re probably a pretty terrible person.)

I did end up having a nice conversation with old Brody because of this, though…  But I’m not counting his sincerity just yet…

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