Archive | February 11, 2011

Deidree is a World Traveler

So, here is an update on my bucket list to travel.  I won’t bore you with a description of every state, so I’ll condense it a bit.

Here is my color-coded map to reflect my world traveling.

If you remember, the rules for traveling are as follows:

1.  In visiting a state, province, or country, some amount of time must be spent there.  Driving through does not count as visiting.

2.  While sometimes lengthy, an airport layover does not count either.

3.  There is no set time line for doing this.

You will also remember the color code:

Red states:  Red states are the areas where I have lived.

Blue states:  Blue states are areas that I have lived in for a brief, but extended period of time.

Green:  Green locals are the areas that I have visited and stayed in for at least one night, but less than a month.

Yellow:  Yellow locals are areas that I have either visited the airport, via layover, or driven through.

Purple states:  Purple states are near future destination plans.  No countries are listed as such at the moment because that is less a bucket list and more wishful thinking.  You can pretty much consider everything white or yellow to be under eventual purple status, but the marked ones are logically marked.

White:  White locals have no status yet.  For clarity, I will only list the states that are white.

Bucket List Map

Red states: California and Colorado (present residence)

Blue states: Pennsylvania and Wisconsin

Purple states: Arizona, California, Connecticut, Texas, and Washington

White States: Alabama, Alaska, Arkansas, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, New Hampshire, New Mexico, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, West Virginia, and Wyoming

Green States: Arizona, Iowa, Nebraska, New York, Tennessee, and Washington

Recently Green:

New York:  I visited Shawn in upstate New York back in January, so now I have visited both areas of the state:  the island of Manhattan and the mainland part of the state.

Quebec:  I spent three days in Montreal with Shawn and friends.

Yellow States: Georgia, Kansas, Nevada, New Jersey, and North Carolina

Recently Yellow:

Ontario:  On the way to Montreal, we drove through one of  the border crossings in Ontario and took that to Montreal.

Georgia:  I had my second airport layover in Atlanta on the way back from visiting Shawn.

So, that’s the traveling bucket list as it stands now.