Archive | February 9, 2011

The Air Hockey Champions

So, yesterday, I was talking about my weekend and I mentioned that Steph and I once ran into some air hockey champions.

Or at least, they claimed to be air hockey champions.

One night early into 2009 and the second semester of our junior year, Steph and I were having a long island night around the bars and we ended up at our favorite bar enjoying long islands on special.

Maybe twenty minutes into being at that bar, we started talking to some guys from the midwest.  They had moved here recently and were about to head off to an air hockey championship in maybe Texas or something (I really don’t remember, sorry).

Steph and I both questioned this whole exchange.  Air hockey champions?  Is there such a thing as an air hockey championship?

We agreed to play air hockey with them, though.  Air hockey ranks among the cheesy things in life and cheesy, free things are some of my favorites.  They also provided us with more long islands.

So we split off into two teams:  one air hockey champion with each of us.

My team ended up winning.  I also ended up finishing one of Steph’s drinks.

The air hockey champions wanted us to continue hanging out with them after the bars closed, but Steph and I caught a ride back to my house and she ended up spending the night with me.  It was kind of a hard night in the end.

We never heard from the air hockey champions again…  Who knows how their championship went.