Archive | February 5, 2011

So Much Better!

I’ve been feeling kind of down lately.  I don’t really know what it is, but I’ve been feeling like I wasn’t myself and that I have been lacking some of my Deidree sparkle.

Not that I think that I’m amazing special or anything by calling it “Deidree sparkle,” but just that it’s that special something that makes me Deidree.

I started listening to the Legally Blonde musical again lately and I sat myself down and decided that I would get back to myself.

Success is, after all, 40% work, 10% luck, 20% networking, and 30% attitude.

I’m working on the 30% attitude.

And that starts today with an outfit change.  I’ve been wearing a lot of jeans and black lately…  Some blue and purple, too.  It’s winter, after all, so dark colors are prevalent.

But one of my signature colors is pink.  (The other one is probably blue.)  So I decided I was going to put on one of my pink dresses with my favorite pair of heels while I hit the town.

I’m hoping that a positive outlook turns my mood around.

And when you’re down, try singing this song and not feeling better!  You’ll be surprised!