Archive | February 2, 2011

Checking in on Our Resolutions

So yesterday was the first day of February and a month in to 2011.  It’s probably time to check on our resolutions.

Or our Bucket List priorities.

Here was the numbered list I made back on January first:

1.  Travel:  I already made my way to New York and Montreal.  I also had a layover in Atlanta, but that doesn’t really count.  And Pennsylvania is definitely still planned for this summer.  I don’t have anything right now, but Steph and I have been talking about Vegas.

2.  Get an apartment:  Right now I’m working on the job part of this goal.

3.  Get a car.  (See above)

4.  Keep blogging:  It’s February second right now and here’s my one hundred and fifty-ninth post on my blog.  Taa-da!!!


When the weather warms up a bit (or at least the snow has melted and it’s not really as slushy), I want to start up a running regiment again.  I also think I need to start playing tennis with Amy again.


Also Steph decided that I need to make it my goal to visit her at the alma mater every weekend this semester before she starts commuting next year.  So far, I’m three for three.

Anyway, we’ll check on this Bucket list in March again.  I hope everyone else is keeping up with their bucket lists!