DIY Costumes: Heaven and Hell-Devils

Welcome back to our discussion about theme parties!  Yesterday we started discussing the Heaven and Hell party because some of my fraternity friends had one at their house a few weeks ago and they really wanted me to come.  I didn’t go, but it was always a perennial favorite of mine at one of the other chapters.  Let’s continue today.  If you’re a regular reader, you may recognize some of this information from yesterday, so I apologize.


The best part of the Heaven and Hell party is that you have the option of two costumes rather than just one.  This way, you have only half the chance of people having the same costume.  So you have a choice: Devil or Angel.  Both costumes are equally appropriate at a fraternity party.  Today we’ll be discussing the devil in this costume decision.

Devil:  Dressing up as a devil says you’re naughty, so you get the chance to tempt men and potentially be even more devilish than your costume suggests.  But devilish in a coy way.  I definitely think the key to a Heaven and Hell party is behaving coyly.  In this case, it is a sassy kind of coy, which is actually a really fun way of behaving coyly.  The sass is key.

The guys aren’t as good at choosing a costume.  Most of my friends hate dressing up.  Their idea of picking a devil or angel costume is putting on a red or white shirt, respectively.  Some of the more creative ones will wear black or khaki pants to keep the light or dark theme.  If they’re especially costume inclined, they might write “Devil” or “Angel” on their shirts.

might be the guys I hang out with, but if a theme party is overly thematic, they don’t really dress up ever.  If they do, it’s similar to the dress style I noted above.

Really, the only theme parties I ever see guys really dress up for are western themed (it seems like most men own plaid and jeans, apparently), St. Patrick’s Day (green shirts, simple), back to school (polos and backwards hats or whatever they wear normally), Cancun/pool party/etcetera (swim trunks, done), and there’s a few others, but I’m sure you’re pretty much seeing my point here.

The guys I know don’t dress up unless it’s within their normal wardrobe.  Or a toga party, because everyone owns a bed sheet.

Guys, let me request one thing from you if you decide to dress as a devil.  When you go to your Heaven and Hell party, understand that there is a difference between devilishness and asshattery.  Don’t be a huge jerk just because you’re dressed as a devil.  Actually, not being a huge jerk is a generally good rule of thumb, but don’t let the costume make the man in this case.

So, guys, I’m sorry, but that’s about where I’m leaving your costume options.  If you happen to be male and reading this blog and you want other costume ideas, feel free to comment.  I do have them for you, but I’m guessing the number of men reading this and really really wanting to dress up are really low.  The ones that really really want to dress up also probably went and acquired a costume around Halloween anyway.

But really, if you want ideas, I promise I’ve got them if you’re really interested.

As for the ladies, let’s keep going.

As always, your first option is always buying a costume.  It’s January, so I’ll gloss over this one, but for the future, devils and angels are perennial favorites, so you should have an easy time finding either costume if you choose to buy it.  There’s always costume shops open all year, but I can never guarantee a great selection in January.

Now, let’s talk clothing.  There are two main differences between an angel costume and a devil costume, distinctive accessories aside.  These are fit and color.

If you want to be a devil:

If you decide to be a devil, you need to remember two things:  tight or structured and red or black.  Even if you don’t have horns or a tail, those fit and color specifications will ensure you’re recognizable as a devil.  Let’s look at some examples.

Of course, your clothing doesn’t need to be tight all over, but it needs to be tight where it counts.  The following American Apparel dresses would work well as a devil costume.

The last bit to make the outfits are the accessories.  There are “make a devil costume” accessory kits that can be worn with any of the clothing ideas above.

In a pinch, I recommend the following:

Headbands can be used (as I have above) in absence of horns.  You can also attach cardboard or felt to the headband and make your own horns.  Either color the cardboard black or red, or purchase black or red felt.

For a tail, you can either cut cardboard or felt into your desired tail shape.  If you are using cardboard, cover it with black duct tape or color it black or red.  Attach the cardboard with garment tape.  If you are using felt, purchase it in black or red and attach with safety pins.  Try and keep the tail from being oriented in an awkward angle as it could get in the way in a crowded room.  In a pinch, a black or red scarf can also work as a tail.

Gladiator or studded heels and boots would be the style of shoe I would suggest.

Depending on which color you are wearing (black or red), I would go for accessories in the opposite color so that they pop.  I personally prefer black on red, but make your costume your own.

Yesterday, I discussed the angel option for the Heaven and Hell party.

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