Commentary by Deidree and Steph (part one)

Steph sent me an email a little while ago, and I thought you all might enjoy it.  Steph is in red and I am in blue.

A List of Wedding Day Dos and Don’ts (discovered by Steph and relevant because of the number of our friends getting married)

1. Plan your day for yourself, not for others
I think you have to take both into consideration.

I think you should consider dates/times/food allergies/travel, but like the flowers are all my choice, damnit, haha.

2. Take advantage of the Internet (sites, search engines etc.) 

3. Get the groom to be involved, it’s his wedding too

Only if he wants to be.  If he really doesn’t care, don’t make him be involved.

Food, liquor, guests, date, location, attire….  I’m pretty sure he doesn’t care about those flowers.

4. Seat older guests away from loud music 

5. Pamper yourself! Treat your mom and girls to a spa day before the wedding
I guess if you want.  I don’t think this is really necessary at all.

My momma would hate a spa day.  Let’s just all eat brunch.

6. Be realistic about weight loss goals when selecting your gown
You should just buy for your body shape.  I mean, he proposed to you when you looked like that, didn’t he?

Unless you’re not losing weight because he knocked you up…

7. Remember to involve step parents in some way 

8. Think about your attendants likes and dislikes before purchasing the attendant gifts
Dear lord.  Attendants don’t need gifts.  Just buy part or all of their dress or shoes or something.  I’m sure they’d appreciate that more.

I agree, donate to the attire fund.  A nice card and maybe a touristy trinket ($10 or less) from the honeymoon is good.

9. Consider some of your photos in black and white, they are timeless 

10. Remember to allow time for table visits during your reception 

11. Pick a song for your first dance that has meaning or a good memory for the two of you 

12. Remember evening receptions are assumed to be more formal than day time
Yeah, but you can specify anything you want on the invitation.

It’s a general rule of thumb, though.  The later in the day something is, the more formal the attire is.  But I feel like people generally go to the reception straight from the wedding ceremony anyway…

13. Have someone else do your makeup, you will be too nervous and critical
Yeah, but make sure you give it a few test runs before your wedding day.

Or you just won’t feel like doing it yourself, nerves and criticism aside.

14. Consider having wedding and reception at one location, it is much easier for timing 

15. Don’t overbook your limo, they will usually seat 10
Who says you have to use a limo?

How about don’t overbook your horse drawn carriage?  They seat maybe six (if you’re lucky).

16. Send your invitations out 6-8 weeks before the wedding
Or as soon as you have venues and times booked/figured out, if you have lots of people traveling.

I think eight weeks is a good time frame.  The people traveling are likely close friends and family, so if they’re tight on money, it might be nice to give them an extra head’s up before the invitation.  I don’t think it would be a surprise…  But apparently I need to invite this that and the other family member I don’t talk to for my mother, so there’s that….

17. Send your thank you notes out no later than 3 months after the wedding

Preferably within the month!

18. Look for your ceremony and reception sites first-one year out is average

19. Don’t invite guests you really don’t want to see at your wedding 

20. Try to stay within your allocated budget

Start by making a reasonable budget.

21. See several of each vendor before making these important decisions

22. Go over the kinds of pictures you will want with your photographer well ahead of time 

23. Take time to select the music you will enjoy during your reception 

24. Take dance lessons for your first dance
Only if you want too.  I feel like it’s not necessary.

My first dance is going to be a bump/grind.  No dance lessons necessary.  And I think anyone I married would know the waltz anyway…  That sounded a bit elitist though, oops…


25. Don’t forget to invite your officiant to your reception 

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