So Apparently I’m an Alcoholic…

This story started back on my birthday, so get excited.

If you recall, the morning of my birthday, I went to the passport office at the first available (though unnecessary) appointment I could get.

Well, since I was already up and ready to go, I decided to run some errands that morning.  Bree had been having a difficult time right around my birthday and christmas, so I went with the young twenties tried and true solution: alcohol and a fun glass.  I figured that since I was out and about, I would stop by the liquor store to see if they were open.

The liquor store opens at nine am daily.  Who knew?  So,  anyway, I stopped in and found a tasty bottle of wine.  I took it up to the counter and showed my id to the woman working.  She picked it up, examined, handed it back to me and said “Starting your birthday early?”

I was confused at first, but I figured it out shortly afterward.  “Oh, no, I kind of forgot it was my birthday, I just had to stop in.”

Not that I necessarily forgot it was my birthday per se, I just didn’t associate that stop at the liquor store with celebrating my birthday (if that makes sense).

She gave me a sly smile and handed me my id and the wine bottle I’d purchased.

I went back on New Year’s Eve, after I got off work, and purchased a couple of things for the party I was co-hosting with Larissa.  As my luck would have it, the same woman who had been working the morning of my birthday was also working then.  She also happened to ring out my purchase of about four bottles of alcohol.  I quietly told her I wasn’t an alcoholic and she told me she wasn’t judging me.

I had planned to bring a particular beer from the alma mater’s town up to New York with me for Shawn, since they don’t really sell our western brews that far up the east coast.  I figured while I was there, I would ask if they had more or if what they had on the floor was all they had in stock.

So the woman who had helped me had another employee, a male, look up their six packs in the system.  They only had three and they wouldn’t be getting any more in by Monday or Tuesday when I had planned to come in and get them…

That was when the liquor store offered to hold beer for me.

So, I have two six-packs of beer on hold for me at the liquor store.  I think now is definitely a good time to defend my alcoholism.

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