A Recap of Deidree’s Birthday

I went to the Passport Office in the morning and I later met up with Bree for lunch.  We also went and looked at some apartments that Bree was interested in moving to.

I met up with Bree later and we headed to Ole Ole (this is just what I called Casa Bonita all night, haha).  I ate nachos and they were pretty good, but I was so envious of Kelsey’s taco salad.

Larissa brought her new boyfriend and Hailey brought Russell.

Melissa was also able to make it.  Since Allie and her friend had come earlier, we met up with them a bit later.

We toured the cave and saw some cliff diving.  A magician did a trick for us.  There was also a gorilla.  Old timey pictures were more expensive than I remembered and that was sad.  I did wear a sombrero in the gift shop though.

Everyone parted ways pretty early (this is what happens when your birthday is on a monday) and so that left Bree and I to tour Denver alone.

We met some interesting people and our friend Kaley met up with us downtown.

Lots of men offered to buy us drinks because of my tiara, but I lamely got really tired really early because of my 6:45 am wake up schedule from last week.  Shawn also pulled me away from my drinks to wish me a second happy birthday once his flight landed back in New York.

Larissa got me an adorable pink penguin, a penguin mug, and a Casa Bonita light up butterfly.  Bree got me a monogrammed wine glass.

It was a pretty lovely birthday, thanks for asking.

The NYC area airports are operating in a limited capacity today and hopefully they will be operating at full capacity soon.

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