Archive | December 28, 2010

The Passport Office

So I went to the passport office at for my 8:30 am appointment on the morning of my birthday.

As it turned out, making an appointment didn’t really matter as only one teller was working and they were taking people in order, appointments regardless.  So I waited around for about half an hour when Shawn called me.

He was letting me know that his father broke his wrist over the weekend and since he hadn’t gotten to see much of his father while he was here, he was spending the day with him until he had to get to the airport at noon.  However, he wanted to wish me a happy birthday and talk with me until he went to see his dad.  He asked me what I was up to.

“I’m at the passport office.”

“The passport office?”

I waited a moment for it to sink in.

“You’re getting a passport?”

“Yeah, I–”

“You can come to Montreal with me?”


“Really?”  I could hear the excitement growing in Shawn’s voice.

I laughed, “Yes, really.  Are you excited?”

“Yeah.  How’d that happen?”

“Well, I talked to my mom and we both agreed that I might not get another convenient chance to go to Canada and she’s supportive of my desire to travel, so she offered to pay for the expedite fees as a birthday gift.”

“That’s awesome!  I can’t wait to tell my friends that you can come!”

I asked Shawn about how his trip back home had been and while he was talking about things other than his dad’s broken wrist, they called my number.  I apologized to Shawn and he told me to just call him back when I was done.

I went up to the counter and handed the teller my paperwork.  She noted that I wanted a passport card (for travel to Canada, Mexico, and a few islands only) as opposed to the passport book.  I mentioned the cost, mostly.  However, the teller then told me that the cards couldn’t be done in Colorado and paperwork for them had to be sent to the Arizona office and then the cards would be sent back.  She couldn’t guarantee that a card would get to me by the fourth of January (since I would already be in New York on the fifth).

I was a bit heartbroken.

“But, I can get you a card by Wednesday.   It would be $195, which is a bit more than you originally planned on spending.  Do you want to think about it for a few minutes and I can help someone else while you think?”

I stood there for a second.  I had already filled out the paperwork.  I had already gotten my photos taken for it.  I had already come here and waited half an hour past my appointment time.  I also just told Shawn that I was going to Montreal.

Eff this, I said to myself, I’m just getting the darn book.

So I told the teller that the passport book would be lovely.  She fixed my paperwork, processed it, and had me sign a few things.  As long as I came after 11:30 on Wednesday, I would be able to pick up my passport.

While waiting for my appointment, CNN was playing on the tv and this is where I learned about the NYC area airports being closed.

To update, they are still closed today.  I am very very unhappy about Snowmygosh 2010.