
Earlier in the week, I spent a day making cookies.  I want to talk about recipes.

I once told you all that I cannot cook at all.  That’s not the complete truth.  I can bake pretty darn well.  In high school, I used to bake oatmeal raisin cookies for Keith all the time.  I also made coma inducing brownies, Christmas cookies, kangaroo cookies, peanut butter cookies, and snickerdoodles.  Mostly I made the oatmeal cookies and snickerdoodles.

I can also bake pretty awesome cakes.  Basically, I’m a fairly adept baker.

Ask me to cook chicken though and…  Well, you’re on your own, basically.  Unless you want me to reheat it, because I am fully capable of using a microwave.

So, earlier this week I made holiday cookies for my dear out-of-staters.  I wanted to give something nice to my Big and Steph and then I figured that Kristin, Shawn, Allie, and Melissa could totally use cookies too.

I had a recipe and I figured that one batch would make twenty-four cookies.  Since I wanted to make them for four people at the time, I decided to double it.  Forty-eight cookies would be great to split amongst four people.  I forgot that sugar cookies were different from drop cookies…

I ended up with somewhere around the high seventies or low eighties.

So I ended up boxing up all the cookies and sending them off this week rather than in batches.  I also had some left over for me to eat.

So, for all my adeptness at baking, I can’t double a recipe…

But, I’ll let you all know the reviews of the cookies when they start coming in.

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