Archive | December 17, 2010

BYOB (Bring Your Own Boyfriend?) part two

The story of BYOB style clubbing continues!

So Bree and Blake ended up in our car with Evan driving.  As I said before, he was unfamiliar with the area and was relying on the poor directions given to him by Bree and I.  Blake had never gone clubbing with the two of us at this point in time.

Bree and I only vaguely remembered where it was, and we didn’t know the actual cross streets then.  We remembered it based on what was across the street.  It happened to be an Arby’s.

At the time we reached the club we were headed for, the four of us were immersed in our conversation and missed our landmarks.  We ended up about five streets away before we finally figured out that we had passed it.  We told Evan he should make a left turn when he got a chance.

He then misread a street sign and ended up turning onto a one-way street that was poorly marked in the dark.

Blake and Bree shouted “STOP!!!!!!” at the same time I exclaimed “Evan!” in a quieter voice.

“What?”  He was visibly shaken from the sudden yelling, but it was only a slight twitch.

“This is a one way street! Are you a fucking moron?!”  Blake yelled at him.

Evan ended up pulling a three-point U-turn of crazy that would be impossible to perform during the day.  “It wasn’t marked very well.”

Blake continued his rant, “Just because you’re from California doesn’t give you an excuse to  drive poorly.”

Bree shrugged.  “I turn on to one-way streets all the time, and I’m from Colorado.”

I nodded.  “Me too, it’s an easy mistake to make.”

Blake shook his head.  “Why did we let the Californian drive?”

“Because you would have hit someone when you did that U-turn,” I responded matter-of-factly.

“I wouldn’t have.”  Blake protested.  “And I wouldn’t have gotten us lost.”

Bree chuckled a little.  “Technically Deidree and I are getting us lost.”

After that incident, Blake was still angry, but Evan managed to get us to our destination after Bree and I kept a more careful lookout for our landmarks.

Once we were inside, everyone congregated around the house music floor, but Amy and I asked Evan to accompany us down to the hip hop floor.

As we were heading down the stairs, I did a sort of hobble and jump and ended up back on my feet.

I turned back to Evan, “Evan, why didn’t you try to catch me?”

“The way you were going down, I would have fallen on top of you.”  He paused momentarily, “But that was really impressive.”


Larissa ended up getting kicked out of the club later.  (Yes, I’m covering highlights of the night and not giving you the full information about things that probably interest you the most.)


On the way home, Evan and I ended up having a conversation about Blake being a jerk.

“Who does that guy think he is?  The fucking border police?”  Evan was disgruntled.

“I’m sorry you had to deal with that.”

“He’s a fucking poser.  His car isn’t that great.”

“Obviously, you kept up with him in an SUV.”

“He’s fucking compensating.”

“At least you’re not.”

Evan turned to me.  “Thank you, by the way…”

“For complimenting your….”

Evan laughed, “No, for saying my name when I accidentally turned on the one way street.”

“Oh sure, no problem…  Why?”

“If you had said ‘STOP!’ in that same tone of voice, I probably would have stopped the car and beat the shit out of him from frustration.”

I laughed a little, “And you wouldn’t have even been out of line!”