Archive | December 16, 2010

BYOB (Bring Your Own Boyfriend?) part one

This is one of those times where BYOB doesn’t mean “Bring Your Own Beer” (“Bring Your Own Beverage” just isn’t enough, sorry) and is a clever play on words…  Well, I though it was clever when I told it to my friends to set up the event.  So I was talking about how Evan and I discussed possibly going clubbing and I got all my friends in on the actual event.  There were a couple of events during it that stick out in my mind and I don’t remember which ones I’ve talked about already.  Two involved rain and me tripping down the stairs and the others revolved around Evan’s Californianess.  So, here goes.

So we all went out to dinner (the one mentioned in “The BS Quotient“) and then headed to Blake’s place in our separate vehicles.  Blake and Bree drove together, Evan and I were together, Steph and Cam were together, Amy drove herself, and Larissa headed over later.  I think she had been trying to convince Jason to come with her.

Blake and Bree gave everyone directions and we all hoped for the best.  Since I’m terrible at directions and Evan wasn’t very familiar with the area of town, we decided to stay as close to Blake’s car as possible.  Blake ended up speeding like a demon, and yet, Evan was able to keep up with him.  Once we all reached Blake’s apartment, Blake came to the realization that we had followed him and not a random stranger.

“I didn’t know that it was you two that were so close behind us.”  Blake protested.

“I’m sorry,” I apologize, “I called Bree, but she didn’t pick up.”

Bree looked at her phone and confirmed that she had a missed call from me.

Blake crossed his arms and turned to Evan, “I’m surprised you kept up.”

“It was a little hard…”  I think that was a large confession for Evan to make.

Bree turned to Blake, “How fast were you going if it was hard for them to keep up?  I know you were trying to show me how fast your car could go, but I didn’t think it was that fast.”

Blake shrugged.  “Hundred twenty.”

Bree gaped.  “You were going one hundred and twenty miles per hour?”  She hit him, though it was a light hit.

“You said you wanted to see how fast she went…  And there was this guy tailing me the whole time.”  Blake rolled his eyes.

“Following you to your house because we were going together.”  Evan corrected.

Blake shrugged.  “It’s no surprise he was able to keep up.  You know they all drive crazy in California anyway.”

I grinned, “And have fewer accidents to boot.”

Blake was not happy about my interjection.

We hung out at Blake’s place for a bit while everyone congregated and then we sorted out carpools.  Evan and I offered to grab whoever wanted to come with us.  Steph and Cam declined to join a carpool because they were thinking of heading back to the alma mater’s town earlier in the night than Evan and I were.  Blake and Bree decided to be in our car, we also offered to take Amy, but she ended up riding with Larissa.

As we were leaving Blake’s apartment, there was a cascading water sound outside.  I had taken the time to curl my hair and was wearing an adorable sundress, which Evan had told me wasn’t very proper clubbing attire, but I was adorable, so I didn’t really care.

I put my hands over my head and then grabbed on to Evan with one of them instead.  “Oh no!  It’s raining outside!  My hair and dress will get all wet!  And my dress is white!”

By the time I finished talking, we were already outside.

“Are you covered in water?”  Evan asked me.


“Then it’s not raining.”

“It’s actually a fountain,” Bree commented, but only after I had already sounded like an idiot.

Part two tomorrow!