Archive | December 9, 2010

Every Capricorn has a Steamy Encounter on the Ninth

So Cosmo’s astrologer 2011 is out.  Cosmo is a guilty pleasure for me.  It’s just such utter nonsense that you can’t help but love it.  This is the same reason I love trashy reality shows; they’re just so trashy, you can’t help but love them a little.  When it was on, I watched Daisy of Love religiously.  I even had a favorite suitor (Big Rig, though they absolutely were not right for each other).  And when it came down to the end, obviously she should have picked Flex.  But she didn’t and the relationship with London was over before it began.

I think they call this “Car Wreck” syndrome.  When you see a car accident, you know it’s bad to stare and awful for the people involved, but you can’t help but gawk anyway.  And then this causes traffic.

This isn’t my intended topic, but I really do think that the largest cause for traffic after accidents isn’t the accident, but the people slowing down to stare at the accident as they drive by.  That’s why it bothers me when the news stations or radio stations always say “an accident is causing traffic” because usually the accident is off to the side.  If there is a reduction in lanes, it’s usually due to emergency vehicles arriving and blocking off a lane or two.  This doesn’t bother me, of course; let the emergency staff do their job.  However, if all the lanes are moving, just slowly, you know it’s because of the gawkers.  I always do my best not to stare at accidents, though.  If something bad happened to me, I wouldn’t want anyone staring at an accident involving me.

Anyway, whenever there’s an astrology section, I always read it because I’m curious, but honestly, I think it’s all ridiculous.  Or, at least it’s ridiculous in magazines.  I honestly find it hard to believe that everyone born in a certain month will have the same things happen to them on the same days.

Stacey actually dabels in astrology and the like a bit, so does Lilac.  Both of them have said there’s a grain of truth to it, but not in the magazines.  I once asked Stacey if she could determine a love match by two people through astrology.  She said “Oh, I could, possibly…  But I would really need to know your birth date, time, place, and so on for both people.  If you could give anyone that, they could probably determine your match up.”

I actually did once read a book on Chinese astrology that included all of that in its directory.  I forget what the actual content was, but it was pretty interesting and more so accurate than anything I’ve ever read in Cosmo.

Meanwhile, everyone wins a hairdryer on the nineteenth…