Exciting News!

Hello, Readers!  We have exciting news here at Help!  I’m Post-Grad…  We were waiting to tell you until things were finalized on all aspects, but there’s only one holdout and it’s here on my end, so I think it’s safe to tell you.

I am officially going to visit Shawn in New York in January!  The first part of the travel itinerary is happening, yay!  Unfortunately, it doesn’t include anything in a state I haven’t visited, that I know of, but that’s alright.  It will still be a lot of fun.  :)

Shawn did say he’d get back to me about my potential flight, but this is probably just because I asked him about it.  See how nice I am?  Anyway, hopefully it’ll be a good flight time.  It’s really hard to find a nice flight to his city.  They’re all really early or late for the most part.  Other than the times working for Shawn, though, that’s the only thing that’s a holdout–buying the ticket.

Anyway, tomorrow I’m going to discuss potential packing options and start talking about our new feature here at this blog, yay.

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