A Call for Communication

So today was my rescheduled interview at the restaurant…  Kind of.  Apparently, they lost my application and the hiring manager wasn’t in today.  So, they asked me if I would be willing to fill out a second application (I really want the job, so of course).  Naturally, by the time I finished the application, the manager on duty told me that they were too busy to talk to me then and that the hiring manager would be going through applications Friday or Monday.  In other words, I won’t necessarily get another interview even though I was scheduled for one and they lost my application.  I only have the possibility for a second interview.  Seriously?  I may go and apply at their second location near me.  I really want this job.  And money-wise, I really need it.

Also, Shawn.  I told him to call me when he could, because I know he’s busy and sorting through flights and such is hard via text.  I know he’s busy, but I really do wish he would get back to me.

I also finally heard from Brody today.  Apparently things are too crazy for a two second text message back.  He also said he was too busy for something he already agreed to go to with me, so that’s really annoying.  He already agreed to go and it doesn’t conflict with the other things he has that day–that’s why he said he could go.  It’s just annoying.

Then there’s still Bree and her lack of communication.  At least Amy’s getting better at it.

Anyway, this is an open plea for better communication.  When someone tries to reach you, you should be able to get back them at your convenience.  Being busy is generally fine.  What’s not fine is not getting back to someone for days.  Especially when they have contacted you via text.  A text takes like two minutes to respond to, max.  One of my girls once said she was “prioritizing [her] text messages and just couldn’t respond to everyone.”  That doesn’t even make any sense given the time constraints of a text message (there really are none) and when she has unlimited texting.  People are just getting odd.  So, people, please, please, please communicate more.  Communicate better.  Don’t lose job applications.

Also, I’ve started getting sick and I want to cry a little.  I hate coughing.  Why do I always get sick?

Anyway, I’m a little behind on my NaNoing this month, so far, so I need to catch up on yesterday’s word count and today’s word count.  So later today or tomorrow, I will catch up on that.

Anyway, until tomorrow.

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