Archive | November 2010

Exciting News!

Hello, Readers!  We have exciting news here at Help!  I’m Post-Grad…  We were waiting to tell you until things were finalized on all aspects, but there’s only one holdout and it’s here on my end, so I think it’s safe to tell you.

I am officially going to visit Shawn in New York in January!  The first part of the travel itinerary is happening, yay!  Unfortunately, it doesn’t include anything in a state I haven’t visited, that I know of, but that’s alright.  It will still be a lot of fun.  :)

Shawn did say he’d get back to me about my potential flight, but this is probably just because I asked him about it.  See how nice I am?  Anyway, hopefully it’ll be a good flight time.  It’s really hard to find a nice flight to his city.  They’re all really early or late for the most part.  Other than the times working for Shawn, though, that’s the only thing that’s a holdout–buying the ticket.

Anyway, tomorrow I’m going to discuss potential packing options and start talking about our new feature here at this blog, yay.

An Update on Last Week

So I’m trying to figure out how to diffuse all this anger stuff I’ve had lately.  Here’s to hoping it works out because my shoulders are really very tired today in particular.  I think it’s a combination of work and anger induced stress…  So there’s that.

Good news from today, though:  I’ve made 100 views in November so far, hooray!

Also, if you were wondering about NaNo, I’m afraid it’s dead, but I still have two days without work, so…  Maybe?  I am about 30000 words behind now though…

This Week

I have spent so much of this week being angry and it is seriously messing with my entire body.  I’m irritable to people who don’t deserve it, like my mom.  And, I woke up with a tiny cold this morning.

I haven’t felt this horrible since old Brody and I were dating and ending our relationship and trying to be friends…

I don’t even know what to do…  But obviously, I can’t keep doing this.

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving readers!  Eat some turkey and enjoy the day off.

To all my friends that are unable to make it back home for the holidays (Allie, Shawn, maybe Melissa–I didn’t ask), you are being thought of and you are missed.

To everyone who did make it back or has always been here, yay for family fun.

Also, happy birthday to Steph!  That’s why I’ve been a bit MIA lately, I’ve been trying to see her as much as possible while she is back here.

Anyway, tomorrow is death…  I will try my best to be really smiley for everyone.  Don’t get too crazy, please.


I’m starving right now and there is no food.  It is a very undesirable situation.

I’m basically gearing up for black friday.  I will be there when doors open, so yay.  I am off in time for the football game.  I don’t know if I said that, but it’s important to have your priorities straight.

The Benefit of the Doubt

It seems like no one gives anyone else the benefit of the doubt anymore.  If someone invites you somewhere and you agree to go, but then you get called into work, if you’re low on hours and it wasn’t something you already had tickets for or something, you would go to work, right?  Of course.  But when you call to tell them that, they accuse you of not wanting to see them and finding something better to do.  Then later, they come into your work and feel awful when they see you there working for minimum wage like usual.  Clearly, you didn’t find something better to do.  Of course, even though they feel awful, they won’t apologize for what they said earlier.  They’ll skirt around it as much as they can.

Why is it that no one can believe what you tell them anymore and accept it without question?  Like if you say you have a good reason for something, but don’t want to air your dirty laundry, why won’t people just let you keep your dirty laundry in your house where you can look after it?  They prod and give you ultimatums about why you need to tell them everything.  And then after you tell them, they get uncomfortable or start treating you badly.  They gave you an ultimatum about them in the first place.

Really, why does no one give anyone the benefit of the doubt anymore?  There’s a saying about that I heard once.  Something like “Pretty much everyone is a good person if you give them a chance to show you.”  So like, with a few exceptions, the world isn’t all bad.  But if you go around assuming everyone is bad, then you’ll find some ridiculous reason to think they’re bad.  With enough effort, you can find whatever issue you’re looking for.

I’m starting to think that I’m the only one who just accepts “I’ve just been really busy” with only a twinge of unease.  If someone says they’ve been busy, I’m going to take them at face value.  This often leads to me being screwed over, but at least I’ve always given someone a chance to prove otherwise.

I will admit to having my own pitfalls, where if enough people have to cancel on me in a given time period, then the last person to do it will get the brunt of my grief.  But if I find out that they had a good reason, I will obviously apologize profusely.  When you’re in the wrong, you apologize.

Nobody understands that anymore…