Archive | October 31, 2010


You know you’re from Colorado when…  You have to plan your Halloween costume so it fits over your coat.  Absolutely fitting on this sunny, mildly breezy, mid-sixties October day.  If you’re actually from Colorado, you’ll understand this even more.

In any case, in honor of this day finally being here:

Have a history of Halloween.

Also, 15 fun Halloween facts.

And one of my favorites,’s Halloween section.  My favorite one is the Haunted House story, which I heard back in middle school.  The enthusiast in me wanted to find it and go to it (as an eleven-year-old).  Of course, as a twenty-one-year-old last year, I clearly would not have been a fan.  Last year, I went to a Haunted House with Bree, her boyfriend, and my ex, old Brody (before he was an ex).  I spent the entire time hiding in Brody’s jacket, if that says anything, haha.

Halloween Google Maps Through Life They forgot the part of your life where you spend Halloween in a bar.

And lastly, if you find yourself in the midst of a horror movie tonight:

Horror Movie Survival Guide

How to Survive a Horror Movie

The Halloween party yesterday went fine, though it did start off a bit awkwardly.  Tonight we’re (Larissa, Amy, and I’m not sure who else) headed back to the Cowboy Dance Bar.  Anyway, that’s pretty much Halloween.  If anyone wants to go to a corn maze for me, that would be lovely.