Archive | October 30, 2010

Countdown to Halloween: One Day

So, last night I went out with Larissa and Amy.  It was a lot of fun.  We bar hopped from the Cowboy Dance Bar to CougarTown.  The bar’s not really named “CougarTown,” but I wish it was.  I dressed in my bumble bee costume.  The wings are kind of hard to deal with when it’s real crowded (like at the Cowboy Dance Bar), but they were alright at CougarTown.  We’re going back to the Cowboy Dance Bar on Sunday, so I’m trying to decide if I should change my costume.  We’ll see.  It was nice to see Amy again after so long and you all know I like hanging out with Larissa, of course.

Tonight is the Halloween Party I’m nervous for, so we’ll see how that goes.  So far, it sounds like I will only know the person who invited me, as none of my friends are able to come and save me for a potentially awkward or weird situation.  So, I guess we’ll see how it goes.  Wish me luck.

Also, I’m pretty sure Brody is dead and I’m kind of pissed.  It looks like I won’t be going to the corn maze this year, unfortunately.  So, yeah, I’m pretty pissed.  Oh well…  maybe I’ll hear from Brody tomorrow, though a part of me really doubts it.

Oh!  Shawn and I were talking yesterday and he may be paying for half my ticket to go visit him.  I’m totally down with that.  I think that might make the trip well under $100 with Southwest, so I’m pretty stoked.

Anyway, I’m about to get ready to head out, so until tomorrow.