Archive | October 29, 2010

Countdown to Halloween: Two Days

Today, I bring you Halloween themed drinks.  The only thing on this list that makes me sad is that I can’t drink any of the pumpkin flavored drinks.  Kahlua and I had a nasty bout almost three years ago and I’ve avoided it heavily ever since.  Except on my twenty-first birthday.  I tried my hardest, and failed.  So there’s that.  As an aside, I don’t necessarily encourage your drinking, but I do encourage your having an awesome Halloween.

I forgot to mention it a few days ago, but this blog has reached over 100 hits.  Hooray!  And yesterday was actually the first day without a hit in a long time, but I posted really late, so blame me.

What else….  I’m going to a Halloween party on saturday after work and I’ve been being asked my favorite drinks and all sorts of stuff all morning.  I’m a bit confused, but what can you do?  I’m happy as long as I can drink what I like.

What else?

I really don’t have a lot to say lately.  I’ve been trying to get sick, but stopping it to the best of my ability.  Emergen-C and I are really good friends.  I’ve also been avoiding the disaster that is my room, but I fully intend to pick up at least part of it today.  I think my file organizer fell over and that caused the disarray.

Anyway, I know this is a lame post, so hopefully I’ll have something more entertaining in the next few days.  But Halloween preparations take their toll, you know?