Archive | October 27, 2010

Countdown to Halloween: Four Days

So, Halloween is in four days.  The excitement just keeps building.  I found out that on Saturday and Sunday, we can wear costumes to work, so I am so excited.  I’m going to wear my sailor outfit.  I’m not actually working on sunday though.  But I’m pretty sure that’s for the best.

Today’s Halloween item is pumpkin carving, featured by Extreme Pumpkins.  Collectively, these pumpkins are amazing, terrifying, hilarious, and all-together awesome.


This little guy won't get turned into pie yet!


Once again, the picture is clickable.  That little pumpkin led me to the site, and lo, what a glorious discovery it was.

Onwards!  So, today Shawn told me something awesome about Halloween.  Ready for it?  He’s dressing up as Woody, like from Toy Story.  He’s going to be a cowboy in a cowboy costume.  Words cannot describe my excitement!  Unfortunately, Google is not producing results to give you a visual similar to the one in my head, but just known that it is both awesome and hysterical.

Yesterday after work, Brody invited me over and made me tasty leftovers.  My wallet and my stomach appreciated it.  Plus, it was really tasty.  Brody is such a good cook.  I really need to work on my cooking skills…

So, I was thinking about this on the way to work yesterday.  Last year, I signed up for NaNoWriMo, but didn’t end up doing it, because November and college is just bad news all around.  But this year, I think I might try it.  I thought that, if structured correctly, this blog could make an awesome story.  Anyway, we’ll see what happens.  But it’s only 50,000 words over a month; that’s about 1600 words a day, give or take.  I think I can do it, but we’ll see.

I didn’t get a chance to overhaul my room because I got called into work, but there’s a lot of cleaning to be done.  My desk pretty much threw up on my floor.  Hopefully I’ll be starting that today.

Anyway, I think that’s all for today.  Until tomorrow!