Archive | October 26, 2010

Countdown to Halloween: Five Days

Welcome back!  So, I said I had a lot to talk about and I really do.  So, here goes.

Halloween is in five days, hooray!  And so, I thought that I would post something Halloween related every day leading up to, and including Halloween.  My post yesterday does count as I mentioned my love of Halloween.  And no, it’s totally not cheating.

So, today’s Halloween related topic: Pet costumes.  Here’s a preview:

Pretty much the most adorable thing ever!

And yes, you can click the picture to see the rest of them.  Highlights include a Hello Kitty cat, the ever popular Hotdog dog, and some Darth Vader animals.  Enjoy.

It’s gotten a little colder here lately and my feet are freezing.  I left my adorable, comfy, and warm slippers at Brody’s house on Sunday and I am so sad!  Tile floors are the cold foot’s worst nightmare!  Anyway, hopefully he’ll bring them back soon and, thankfully, Halloween is supposed to be in the mid-sixties, yay!

One of the managers at work talked to me yesterday and I am being strongly considered for a permanent holiday position in one of the departments.  She called it a “possible home for the holidays.”  Which would be nice, because regardless of being part-time or full-time, it would mean more hours for me.  I also have my restaurant interview rescheduled for Thursday, so there’s that.

I was at the football game with Melissa this weekend, more on that later, and we lost in the bitter end.  It was really close and the ultimate score ended up being 24-27.  Our in conference statistics are pretty much shot this year.  In a couple of days, I’ll probably just go back and have a huge football recap, so to speak.  I still have stories from the Georgia game, so it makes the most sense.

Also, I had a weird dream yesterday about Shawn, so any thoughts on it would be appreciated.  We were going to a sorority formal together and Shawn had made reservations at a restaurant in one of the mountain towns, a good two hours away.  Which doesn’t really make sense, because I’m pretty sure the formal was a lot closer to the alma mater, so there’s that.  Anyway, we ended up missing our dinner reservations and so we were driving around with Stacey (I’m not sure when she got in the car, honestly) and looking for somewhere to eat.  I’m pretty sure we were still out in the mountains though, which doesn’t make sense.  What does it mean?  I’m at a loss here.

Oh, also, I’ve started a mass overhaul of my room and have been looking at some fun stuff at Ikea, but more on that later, possibly tomorrow?

Here’s something I’ve been thinking about lately.  Why is it that the more you’ve narrowed down your men, the more men that want you appear?  Like, with Brody, there’s suddenly many new prospects popping up.  The same thing happened with old Brody (with disastrous aftermath) and Evan as well.  What is it about more men wanting you the minute you’re happy with someone?  I just don’t understand it.  Seriously, you can go through a dry spell of casual dating and then when someone has peaked interest, suddenly everyone else does?  Men confuse me.  If anyone can explain this phenomenon to me, I would love to hear it.  In any case, it’s slightly annoying because you want to keep your options open sometimes, but sometimes, you don’t like the other options.  I don’t know.

Anyway, until tomorrow!