Archive | October 25, 2010

An Introduction to Me

Last, but not least, me.  I already have a page dedicated to myself and it basically tells you that if you want to know about me, you can read about me in my blog, since it’s a personal blog, after all.  I created this blog to talk about my journey as a Post-Graduate.  And, while I have an “About Me” page, I don’t know if any of the little tidbits people usually write about themselves would really tell you all about me the way that simply reading the blog would.

Take for example, my love of college football.  I could have told you all that I love college football, but if you read the blog, you already know that I love college football.

However, since I already set up the other cast pages a certain way, I will continue this one in a similar fashion.

Anyway, here I am, for all intents and purposes.  I couldn’t decide, so you can envision both of them as me.

It seems kind of silly to direct you to letters featuring me (I don’t have any yet) or tell you how I figure into my bucket list (because it’s my bucket list), nor do I think I need to give you a link to find all other posts about me.  This blog is, essentially, all about me.  I could also link you to all the stories I am a prominent person in, but this is basically every story I tell.

Instead, I will let you know that if you have come here through any sort of referencing site, your best bet on learning about me is by clicking the title of this blog at the top of the layout and reading.  “Help!  I’m Post-Grad” is my story and, unless I’m in a frazzled rush, which does happen on occasion, you will get to hear about my thoughts, stories, and goals all through reading this blog.

Since you are here though, I will give you a lame bio run down.

Name:  Deidree Lyons

Schooling:  Graduated from local alma mater in May of 2010 with a degree in English, currently a Post-Graduate.

Life-plan:  Elementary Education

Job:  Summer camp counselor, sales associate, and hopefully a waitress soon, also some copy work on the side.

If you asked me what I did in college, I would tell you that:  I was a sorority Sue.

I started this blog because:  I wanted to keep my sanity as I recovered from surgery.

Things I like the most include:  my friends, college football, my alma mater, my sorority, Halloween, fashion, and theme parties.

My hobbies include:  tennis, my sorority, and blogging, apparently.

Things I collect include:  stemware and costumes.

Closet obsessions I’ve mentioned on this blog are:  the Container Store.

The first recorded instance of my writing about random things going on in my life was:  September fourth.

I have participated in NaBloPoMo:  every month since I started this blog, except for August (but I did only have this blog for three days of August).

Now wouldn’t all of that have been more interesting if you had read about it?  Tomorrow I will start posting about some long over due things I’ve said I would talk about.